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Wrinkles – A detailed Analysis

by admin

War against wrinkles

In past wrinkles can symbol of wisdom but now people do not like wrinkles at all. There are many product and procedures claiming to reduce wrinkles but they do little on nothing. The reason of failure is this that people do not know the certain reason of wrinkles.

First one should know what is wrinkle and how to protect?

Factors of wrinkles

Age is the very first and an important factor of wrinkles. With the time being human body become the wrinkly.

Smoking: In past researcher proved that smoking increased facial wrinkles but latest research shows that it can affect the rest of the body. The people who are smoking heavily from many years their percentage of wrinkle risk is high then the people who are not chain smoker.

Sun Exposure

Skin is a sensitive issue and sun exposure makes very harm affect on skin. Where sun exposure is grate there appears large number of wrinkles on the part of that body. Especially include these parts of body like face, neck, back of hands and the top of forearms.

Mantel Stress

The researcher also found that the metal stress is one important reason of wrinkles. the mental stress affect fiscal wrinkles especially and become the cause of deeper wrinkles.

Genetics Effects

There is an important reason of wrinkle in some cases.


Some occupation can be cause of increase the wrinkles

Other lifestyle factors

The person life style can be the aliment of increasing wrinkles

Types of Wrinkles

There are two categories of wrinkles:

1. Fine surface line
2. Deep furrows
3. The treatment of fine surface line is simple and effective but deep furrows need more techniques for cure such as plastic surgery.

Treatment of wrinkles

There are also two ways of treatment:

1. Medical Treatment
2. Cosmetics treatment

Medical Treatment

In medical treatment there are several techniques available for reducing wrinkles (such as vitamin A acid, alpha hydroxy acids, antioxidants, and moisturizer) Vitamin A Acid (tretinoin, Retin-A, Renova).

In treating aging skin and fine lines this ingredient, available by recommendation and has the greatest record of success. The Creams with (tretinoin) must be used on a continuing basis. Initially creams may produce redness and flaking, but this problem can usually be reducing by applying less cream even the skin becomes use to it.

Alpha-hydroxy acids: The Alpha-hydroxy acids products are safe for Wrinkly skin but there can be temporary irritation with the use of the products. Alpha-hydroxy acide produce slight improvement in wrinkles. This acid is also called “fruit acids” include glycolic and lactic acid.

Antioxidants: Antioxidants products protect form the sun exposure and improve fine wrinkles in slow way. These products contain the vitamins A, C, and E, as well as beta-carotene.

Ordinary moisturizers: The wrinkles that rose due to less moisturizing can remove by using such cream that produce moisturize. Drinking more water can also solve this problem and make glow the skin.
Cosmetic Treatment
Glycolic acid peels: This use for fine wrinkles. These Glycolic acid peels can effect very slight in the intensity of fine wrinkles.

Deeper peels: Deeper peels improve fine lines and make it smooth. There found salicylic acid and trichloroacetic acid and fill deeper into the skin, but there are great risk of side effects in this procedure like changes in the color of the skin.

Microdermabrasion: Estheticians remove wrinkles with a machine containing silica or aluminum crystals. Microdermabrasion does not change skin texture but it makes it smooth

Dermabrasion: It is a surgical procedure in which physician uses a rotating instrument to sand the skin down. There can excellent improvement by adapting dermabrasion treatment but it also can produce significant side effects such as scarring, changes in skin color permanently.

Fractional resurfacing: Treatment target only affected skin, Latest laser technology use with slightly modification of traditional laser resurfacing. This treatment is to fast and benefited for the user.

Laser resurfacing: Physicians use carbon dioxide and erbium lasers and achieve great result with accuracy and reliability. During the treatment laser passed through the effected area and peel reach into the middle of the dermis (second layer of skin) this helps rouse the natural collagen synthesis (production) which plumps up flabby skin and wrinkles.

Non-ablative laser resurfacing: In this procedure there is no pain, redness, peeling or downtime after that. Without peeling and damaging the epidermis this new laser technique stimulate collagen synthesis of skin.

Plastic surgical procedures: Patient of wrinkle can operate surgical face lifts, brow lifts, and similar it is very helpful for removing wrinkles.

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