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Why do we need to loose weight?

by Souti

Weight is largely determined by the balance between how many calories you consume and the amount of energy you burn in everyday activities.

A person is designated as being overweight if he/ she weighs more that what is ideal for their height and body frame. Obesity is a condition of being considerably overweight and if a person is having  20% weight  or more than their ideal body weight structure, they are fall under obesity symptoms and are considered as an obese.

Being overweight quiet often can turn out to be a severe matter of life and death. Those who are overweight or suffering from obesity  are  a step ahead to add up serious and life threatening health issues.

Some of the most common side affects of being overweight or obese are high blood pressure, increased risk of Heart attacks and other coronary diseases. The New England Journal of Medicine published a study that concluded that virtually all forms of cancer are more prevalent in people with a higher body mass. Body mass wasn’t only linked to new cancer cases; it was also linked to cancer survival rates, which were lower for heavier people.

So maintaining an ideal weight is very necessary for maintaining a healthy disease free life style. When you think of reducing your weight you need to decide on the methods you will adopt in losing the extra flab. You can go for those three following options:

a. Using weight loss medicines like pills or dietary supplements.

b. Using diet plans like the Atkins diet.

c. Regular exercise.

Weight loss medicines are mostly pharmacological agents that reduce or control weight. These drugs alter one of the fundamental processes of the human body i.e. weight regulation by either changing appetite , metabolism patterns, or by absorbing calories. There are a diverse range of products like weight loss pills available in the market. Because of their potential side effects, it is recommended that anti-obesity drugs or weight loss drugs be only prescribed for obesity where it is hoped that the benefits of the treatment outweigh its risks.

Instead of going for medicines you can also opt for some diet plans like the Atkins diet or the South Beach diet. You can also consult a nutrition expert and have him prepare a diet chart that you can follow throughout the day.  Your balanced diet should be comprise of  carbohydrates, high-quality protein, and some healthy fats.

  • 50-60% Carbohydrates (sugar, sweets, bread, cakes)
  • 20-30% Protein (eggs, milk, meat, poultry, fish)
  • 20-30% Fats (dairy products, oil)

Physical exercise is another ideal way of reducing weight and also enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health. You can with the help of a physical trainer device an exercise plan that will help in keeping your weight in control. Frequent and regular physical exercise also boosts the immune system, and helps prevent the “diseases of affluence” such as heart disease, cardiovascular disease, and Type 2 diabetes. It also improves mental health and helps prevent depression. You can also go for walks or runs everyday and do some cardio exercises or free hand exercises.

There are a lot of books and DVD’s available in the market that provides you with a lot of nice tips for losing weight. You can go through some of them and get a fair idea about weight loss before jumping into a weight loss programme.

Submitted By : Rachel

She is co-founder of a website business in Atlanta and webmaster of weight loss pills website. You can find some tips for loosing weight and many diet ideas on her website.

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