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What is Tinea Versicolor? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

by Ana

If you are suffering from Pink, light Brown or White spots on the Skin, it can be a sign of any Fungal infection.

What is Tinea Versicolor?

Tinea Veriscolor is a Fungal Infection of Skin, which is identified by the occurrence of rashes on the back and the limbs.

This condition is for a long term but is gentle in nature. It is also known as

  • Pityriasis Versicolor
  • Tinea Flava
  • Dermatomycosis Furfuracea

Symptoms of Tinea Versicolor

This condition is caused by the emergence of small rashes on the surface of Skin. These spots may be small, oval or round in shape. These spots occur on the Oily parts of Skin including back, upper part of Chest and Arms. It may also occur on the face, neck and upper thighs of an individual. The color of these rashes may change depending on the texture of Skin.

Tinea Versicolor

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The colors of the spot may include

  • Red
  • Brown
  • Pink
  • White

These spots can also be tanned in appearance. Every individual has spots of only 1 color. The Skin on the spots may have smooth scales and deep edges. The blotches may emerge as lighter and comparatively darker as compare to the surrounding Skin parts.

This disease is common in the people of African-American region.  People, who have fair complexion, cannot notice these spots on their Skin in the winter season. They are unable to identify these spots because they are light in color. People, whose Skin become dark on exposure to Sunlight, may have obvious patches on their Skin because these don’t get tan as their other Skin regions.

Some people suffering from this Skin condition may also suffer from itchiness in the spots on going in to the Sunlight. Itchiness is also experienced if your body temperature is hot, especially after powerful workout. People, who sweat a lot can easily suffer from the condition of itchiness. The spots of Tinea Versicolor grow slowly and may cause feeling of itch.

Occuerence of Tinea Versicolor

It is a common disorder that occurs by the over growth of Pityrosporum Ovale, it is a type of Yeast that is found in the pores of human Skin, mostly at the oily regions of body. This Fungus is not threatening and can lead to problems in some situations.


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Causes of Tinea Versicolor

Over growth of Yeast is the main cause of this disorder. Many other factors may also enhance these spots. These causes may include

  1. Exposure to Sunlight

    The discoloration of Skin becomes obvious after exposure to the Sunlight. Sun bath can tan the unaffected Skin but not the affected Skin. This makes a clear difference between the Patches and the unaffected Skin.

  2. Increased Body Temperature

    This infection is enhanced by the rise in the body temperature. These conditions occur mostly in the people living at hot places. These spots are found to be more in people, who suffer from excessive sweating. Continuous and powerful workout can also cause these patches of Skin.

  3. Young Age

    This infection is common among teenagers and young adult males. It is found to be caused by the Hormonal changes occurring at the young age.

  4. Damage in the Immune System

    Damage to the normal functioning of Immune system can decrease the natural capability of human body to secure itself from the excessive growth of Yeast and all other types of Fungi.

Who has the Risk of Having Tines versicolor?

People of any age group can have this infection but it is more common in the adolescents or young people. It is also common in people living at hot and humid places. This condition burst in the summer season.

P versicolorklein

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Healthy Skin can also give rise to the Yeast infection that leads to the Tinea Versicolor. People having Oily Skin and excessive sweating can also lead to these conditions.

Is Tinea Versicolor Conatgious?

This condition is not contagious. It can recur in the patients within 1 to 2 years. The spots of this infection fade away within 6 weeks to 6 months after treatment.

Diagnosis of Tinea Versicolor

Doctors can easily diagnose this condition by physically examining the spots on the human body. A process known as Skin Scraping Test is also taken for the diagnosis of this condition. This process is composed of taking a small sample of Skin, a drop of Potassium Hydroxide is poured on the Skin and then it is examined under a Microscope. Microscopic testing also shows the presence of Yeast infection and confirms if the Fungal infection is the main cause of this condition.

Treatment of Tinea Versicolor

This condition can be treated with any methods including Over-the-Counter remedies, medicines, natural, herbal and home remedies.

  1. Over-the-Counter Treatment

    This infection is mostly caused with the help of Over-the-Counter Lotions, Shampoos and other Antifungal Creams. : Over-the-Counter treatment is not much effective but it can also give rise to other side effects. Shampoos used for the treatment can cause irritation. They may also miss patches on the Skin that are not easy to reach.

Natural Treatment of Tinea Versicolor

Tinea Versicolor can be treated naturally with the things including:

  1. Intake of Garlic

    Garlic is an important Antifungal agent.

  2. Eating Fruits

    Fruits may contain antioxidants and can enhance the Immune system. Intake of Citrus fruits can treat this problem to a large extent.

  3. Consumption of vegetables

    Leafy vegetables are good to treat this infection; it helps in the recovery of the patients.

  4. Consumption of Honey

    Honey enhances the flow of Blood in the body. It helps in improving the health of the human body.

  5. Intake of Cloves

    Cloves are rich in Antifungal properties. Eating cloves can help in decreasing Fungal infection and other related problems.

  6. Intake of Fluids

    Drinking a lot of water and other liquids can help in treating this treatment and prevent the recurrence.

  7. Good Hygiene

    People suffering from this condition should try to keep their Skin dry and clean. They should take bath during hot and humid seasons. : Patients suffering from this condition should avoid taking Sugar, White Flour and other Oily food items.

Herbal Remedies for Tinea Versicolor

Herbs like Oregano Oil, Mint, thyme and Tea tree Oil are rich in Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Fungal and anti-Viral properties. All these things can be used for the remedy of this disease.

Image by Sarah Korf

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A ball of Cotton having Oil can be rubbed softly on these patches and this should be repeated till the time, the color of these patches become normal.

Home Remedies for Tinea Versicolor

Natural remedies are free of side effects and are very effective in treating this condition.

These remedies may contain

  • Yogurt
  • Vinegar
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Turmeric Paste
  • Good Hygiene

Application of Yogurt, Vinegar, Tea Tree Oil, Turmeric paste to the patches can treat and make them free of this Viral infection.

Good hygiene can also help in curing this condition. Patients should do as follows for maintaining good hygiene:

  • Try to take shower every day.
  • Exfoliate the affected area, in order to remove the dead cells.
  • Try to wash the towels and clothes in the hot water.

The Natural remedies do not help in the fast recovery of Tinea Versicolor as compare to the Over-the-Counter treatment but it helps in giving permanent relief to the patients.

Prognosis of Tinea Versicolor

Natural remedies are not as much fast as the over the counter treatments but they give permanent relief to the patients.

This infection is decreased with the use of over the counter treatment but this condition recurs after sometime, the prescribed drugs should be used again to treat this condition.

Tea tree Oil

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Prevention of Tinea Versicolor

Following are few ways to prevent the Tinea Versicolor

  • Patients suffering from this disease should try to avoid the excessive sweating and hot weather.
  • They should make changes to the dietary plan, intake of more fruits and vegetables can improve the Immune system.
  • Try to take shower every day.
  • Try to wash clothes regularly with hot Water.
  • Some people get this disease again, when staying on in the clothes containing Fungi.
  • Use of Antifungal Creams, Shampoos and lotion can prevent this condition.
  • Patients should try to take Antifungal medicines once a month; it also helps in preventing this disease.

If you feel that you or anyone around you is affected with this condition, try to consult a Dermatologist. They will help you in the treatment. Timely diagnosis and treatment can help in early recovery and other related discomforts.

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