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What are Kidney Cysts? Causes,Symptoms and Treatment

by Ana

Our Body is like an unsolved mystery. It is so complex yet well structured. It is very important to know about our anatomy and its function. In fact man is still learning about the Human Anatomy. Among all these different organ which form the human body we would like to discuss on one of the most crucial part of our anatomy the Kidney. This bean shaped vital organ has a very important duty. The main duty is to remove the waste from our blood. They do this by purifying and filtering our blood and making urine, which is finally the waste thrown out from our body. In short they are sophisticated machines of our body that help in reprocessing.

If there is any dysfunction or problem related to our kidney it is a cause of concern and we should ensure and take proper precaution to keep our kidney function properly and keep it healthy. The most common we have heard being the kidney cyst.

Kidney Cysts

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What is a Kidney Cyst?

As age takes on our kidneys begin to form fluids which in turn develop into sacs. These sacs are called kidney cyst. They are rounded or oval shaped thin walled sacs with watery fluids inside. The word cyst is not alarming as it is common and there are many who live life ignorant of these cysts being present in their body. All cysts are not cancerous as well.

What are the Causes of these Cysts?

Some people suffer from kidney cysts which are inherited which are known as PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease). People who suffer from Polycystic Kidney disease which runs in the family are genetic. Those who suffer from PKD have weak kidney and may have to go for Dialysis or transplantation. Nearly 50% of people who suffer from PKD generally have Kidney failure. In some cases the cysts start spreading to other organs like the liver. Those undergoing Dialysis also sometimes suffer from Acquired cystic kidney disease (ACKD).high blood pressure and diabetes is also causes of concern in Kidney diseases.

But when we generally talk about Cysts there are two types of cyst.

  1. Simple Cyst

    The simple cyst is very common and harmless and not at all cancerous and these cysts form as one grows older. 50% of people above 50 generally fall in this category. Clinically they are harmless.

  2. Complicated Cyst

    The complicated kidney cyst is a matter of concern and can be cancerous. These cysts will have irregularities in them, they may be calcified.

Polycystic kidney disease

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Kidney Cysts Symptoms

  • A pain in the back or sides, mostly it is seen that pain and infection effects those who have hepatic cysts.
  • Pain in the belly or back or between the ribs, hips.
  • Fever in some cases.
  • Abdominal pain is caused to older patients who have enlarged cysts.
  • Some people also complain of headaches.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Patients who have been suffering from ADPKD tend to develop urinary tract infection.
  • Hypertension is again a sign when there is a kidney cyst.
  • In some cases when the blood is noticed in urine which is also termed as Hematuria.
    Once the symptoms show signs of possible cysts, the precautions are taken by conducting   further tests to be conducted like to check on the internal organs.
  • Contact your physician when you suspect  any of these symptoms
  • Ultrasound Tomography(CT)scans
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging.(MRI) scans
  • In some cases these are found while testing for some other ailment.

Urinary tract infection

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Kidney Cysts Treatment

  • Normally if the cysts are very small there is no treatment as such, but doctor may ask from a follow up on these tests again to see if there is an increase in the size may be in 6-12 months.
  • Constant or rather regular check will be done if the cyst is large to see for any abnormalities or any kind of calcification like they are dense tissue, hard or stony pieces.
  • As long as a cyst doesn’t cause any harm it won’t be removed, but in case it is growing and causing a lot of problem then the matter is referred to an urologist.
  • In simple cysts sometimes when cysts begin to show symptoms by using a long needle inserted through the skin using ultrasonography to see the needle and guide it through and then they are punctured. Then they use alcohol to make the tissues hard and the other wastes are drained off.
  • In other cases if the cysts are rather large and in cases surgery is required it is done through a procedure called laparoscopy which is done through a smaller incision and allows quicker recovery. The cyst is then drain or the outer issue is burnt.
  • If Patients suffer from ESRD then the treatment is Dialysis or transplantation.

Some of the ways to take precaution are

  • To avoid those drugs that might harm or damage the kidney.
  • A low protein diet is suggested and is really helpful.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • To take treatment for any infection related to urinary tract specially women who are more prone to urinary tract infection.
  • Pregnant women with PKD to be observed for high blood pressure.
  • Infections, blood pressure and pains should be treated if detected.
  • Regular follow ups and periodic tests necessary.

Some of the Famous Medical Centres in the worlds for treatment of kidney cysts are

  • Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, China
  • Mount Sinai Medical Centre New York
  • Saravana Homeopathic Hospital , Tamil Nadu, India
  • Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami Care

Mount Sinai Medical Centre New York

Photo by : wikimedia

By changing our lifestyle and being more conscious of what we eat, regular workouts or exercise, walk, less intake of salt and other protein food, keeping ourselves hydrated throughout the day we can definitely bring about a change in our selves and it will help us to be healthy in the long run. After 35-40 years of age it is necessary to go for routine checkups and follow ups.  It is highly recommended. Life is too precious to lose especially to sickness. Hence love yourself, love your body. Eat healthy, be healthy and feel fit and fine.

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