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Ways to promote health friendly habits among your family members

by Souti

You are always responsible for your kid’s health. One of your biggest responsibilities is to grow some healthy habits in your children. If you guide them properly from the childhood it will help them to lead a proper healthy life. Try to create a role model for your kids through yourself & you will definitely get the success.

•    Try to create a role model in front of your children. Stop time after time in front of the television or computer. Be careful about the availability of junk foods. Try to create good habits which can help you to keep your kids away from problems like obesity or diabetes.

•    Always try to arrange the family meal together. It will convey a good message to your children & you will get enough time discuss about several aspects. If you keep that in mind then you will not snack in between and waste your healthy appetite.

•    For some changes in menu you can order for some healthy fast foods (salads, small burger, sandwiches) during your family outing.

•    Spending time after time watching television or in front of your computer can lead to several ailments, like weight gain, which in turn can lead to several diseases. Kids always learn from adult, so try to set a good habit instead for various unhealthy habits.

•    If you want to teach your kids about healthy foods, then involved them in your kitchen & let them decide the menu so that you can guide them properly.

•    Make sure that you are not pampering them in food. Never promise any special chocolate or ice cream for their special achievements. Prefer to take them to their favourite places or buy them some of their favourite books.

•    Your children always follow you in their life. If you place the example of workout or exercise in front of them they will get the lesson. Mix workouts with games, like- setting a swimming pool, basket ball, walk with pet (like dog) etc.

•    To make the proper food habit including fruits & vegetables it the menu is very important. It will help them to pick the healthy habit from childhood.

•    Teach your children about the proper portion of the foods. Make a habit of reading the label while buying some food products. Through this habit they will identify the healthy products.

•    For proper nutritional guide you can also consult with a professional nutritionist.

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