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Using a Pumice Stone

by Souti

Pumice Stone

Pedicure is considered an integral part of our beauty treatment. However pedicure in a beauty salon is always a costly affair, as well as managing time from your busy schedule is also quite problematic. So finding some ways in your home is the best solution to your problems. You will easily get various pedicure accessories at the cosmetic store. Pumice stone is believed to be a very essential part of pedicure. It considered useful for your hands also. Its found to be quite effective for peeling off your flakes. Pumice stone has also been identified to be quite beneficial for corn as well as heel cracks.

Guide for using pumice stone:

•    Always purchase pumice stone from an established departmental store, otherwise there are chances that you will get the wrong one.

•    Before applying the pumice stone you need to soft that particular area of your skin, like your feet’s sole. Your feet could turn hard because of excessive use of shoes or because of bare foot. You need to add your body wash or bath gel into hot water & plunge your feet into that. It will make the area soft.

•    You need to plunge the pumice stone into the soap water & then smear it over the areas needed attention (heels, corns etc). Remember to smear it in a gentle motion.

•    After this application place your feet into water & clean the dead flacks. You need to repeat the process till you get the new skin.

•    After using the pumice stone you need to wash it well. For maintaining the proper hygiene you need to wash it frequently (in the soap water & then wash it under running water). You can also use the stiff brush to clean it.

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1 comment

Vitamins Deficiency » Using a Pumice Stone January 21, 2010 - 12:37 am

[…] Source: EditorS […]

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