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Tried and Tested Ways to Correct Stretch Marks

by Ana

Correct Stretch Marks

There are many ways through which one can deplete stretch marks. Only using stretch marks creams will not help. One must also learn to have healthy diet. Proper diet gives the adequate nutrition and benefits that help in removal of stretch marks from inside. Stretch mark creams along with healthy diets will work in conjunction to deplete the marks from the inside layers of the skin.

There are many ways to include skin healthy vitamins and oils that will help the skin build a good barrier and remove stretch marks. Stretch marks can occur at any age due to hormonal imbalance in the body or during and after pregnancy, excessive muscle stretching due to work outs and even as a result of accidental injuries to the skin.Using Vitamin E both internally and outwards is helping many people to remove stretch marks permanently. Inclusion of healthy oils like coconut oil and flaxseed along with a high raw diet with about 80% raw foods included in your day in the form of raw vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds help you have a very beautiful and fresh skin.

One is usually amazed to see these conditions just erase from one’s body with healthy diet and appropriate application of stretch mark creams.Popular skin healing diets like Budwig protocol also propagate healing stretch marks with cottage cheese or kefir along with flaxseed oil and berries. These seem to be some of the well tested and tried healing methods one can take to treat the skin stretch marks.

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