Home » Tongue Retaining Snoring Devices

Tongue Retaining Snoring Devices

by Shilpa

Tongue retaining snoring device (TRD) is a type of anti snoring device equipped with a sucker to suck and retain your tongue so that it won’t fall back and block the airway. It is a new anti-snoring device just recently introduced in the market so it is not as popular as MAD. However, it is really effective for treating patients with snoring problems.

Tongue retaining device is FDA approved and registered as Class II device so it is generally safe to use. It is small in size and not as bulky as MAD so it won’t cause discomfort when you wear it to sleep at night. Unlike MAD, it does not cause side effects such as bite misalignment, pain in your jaw and face. It holds the tongue gently and does not put any pressure on the jaw so there is a physical risk. If there is any irritation, it will only be in between the lips and teeth where the TRD device is retained.

Tongue Retaining Snoring Devices

There are many clinical trials that prove tongue retaining devices can function as effective as MADs. In one survey participated by 16 patients, 11 patients were completely cured for their obstructive sleep apnea after wearing TRD. The study also discovered that patients who sleep in supine position have significantly less worsening apnea episode. In another study, all 20 participants that suffer from obstructive apnea experience significant improvement after wearing TRD.

The tongue retaining device is recommended for use for people that suffer from mild as well as moderate sleep apnea. TRD is suitable for people who have large tongues or long uvula. For example, sufferers of hypothyroidism tend to have big tongue. People with tongue muscles that relax too easily will find TRD useful because this device is designed to hold the tongue in place. It is more durable and can last 1 – 2 years longer compared to TRDs. Once you wear it, it will hold your tongue in place. TRD will not work for patients whose tongues do not extend beyond the lips.

During the first few nights, you may develop excessive salivation but the saliva will reduce over time. If there are too much saliva, you can put a towel below you pillow when carrying on the treatment. Another disadvantage is that it may cause difficulty in swallowing because the tongue has been stretched for some time. To solve this problem, you can try moving your tongue out of the device.

Good Morning Snore Solution is the leading tongue stabilizing device in the market. This anti snoring mouthpiece is manufactured from a soft grade medical silicone to allow patients to be comfortable. There is no need to have perfect teeth to wear the device and you don’t need a dentist to custom fit it into your mouth. You can wear it comfortably even if you are wearing full dentures.

In conclusion, the tongue retaining device is suitable for those who want to get relief from their snoring problem without experiencing a lot of side effects. Tongue retaining device is suitable for mild to moderate sleep apnea patients that has AHI that ranges from 5 – 30. Learn more

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