Home ยป Tips to Reduce Dark Circles

Tips to Reduce Dark Circles

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Women with dark circles under their eyes may complain that they look tired and groggy even when they have gotten enough sleep. Though the causes of dark circles vary from ethnicity to lack of sleep, certain quick-fix treatment options can help any woman who’s unhappy with her under-eye appearance.

  • The best natural way to get rid of under-eye circle is to get proper sleep. Try to get at least of eight hours of sleep on a daily basis. Sleeping with a pillow under your head would reduce eye bags and puffiness.

  • In very rare cases, discoloration under the eyes may be due to lack of vitamins. B-vitamins, iron, vitamin C, and Vitamin E are essential for healthy skin. Intake of foods rich in these vitamins is one of the best natural methods to reduce dark circles under the eyes.
  • Apply a paste of turmeric powder with pineapple juice for dark circles under the eyes.
  • Crush some mint and apply it around the eye.
  • One of the useful home remedies for dark circles under eyes is almond oil. Massage with almond oil under and around eyes at bed time daily for 2 weeks for removing dark patches under eyes naturally.
  • Cucumber juice is a common remedy. It should be applied daily around eyes and washed off with plain water after 15 minutes.
  • Tomato juice is also said to lighten skin color.
  • Fade dark circles from under your eyes with grated potatoes. Potatoes contain an enzyme called catecholase, which can lighten the pigmentation causing dark circles around the eyes.
  • Rose water also acts favorably in treating under eye circles. Dip a cotton ball in rose water and place it over the eye for about 10 minutes. It cools your eyes and helps in removing dark pigmentation.

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