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Tips To Enhance the Health and Growth of Nails

by Ana

The main item that adds up to the beauty of our hands and feet are the nails, which unfortunately faces many growth-of-nailsproblems due to our daily routine activities like dishwashing etc.

According to the medical experts the nails are the true depicter of our health, if your diet and nutrient is not very good then the nails will get pale, brittle and cracked.

It’s a desire of every lady to get the long healthy nails because the long hairs look absolutely classy and sexy.

If you are also the one who is worried about the growth and health of your nails then I must say you have reached the right place as here I am going to discuss some stuff for your help.

In this article I have tried to discuss some very affective tips that will help you in getting the desired growth and length of your nails.

  • Rubbing the nails has been found to be very affective for the nails growth, you can do this by rubbing the fingers nails of one hand across the other hand’s and repeating this activity daily will enhance the growth of your nails.
    • Filing really seems to be a good activity for shaping up your nails but you should not forget this fact that filing tends to weaken the nails and because of that they become cracked or even break easily.
    • Massaging the cuticle and nails with your fingers is also very affective for the growth as well as health of the nails because it ensures the blood flow into the fingertips and that is very good for the beauty of nails and hands.
    • The natural nail color mostly gets affected due to the dark colored nail polishes like black and red, and if you want to get back the natural color then rub some lemon juice on your nails and soon you’ll get back the natural look of your hairs.
    • A very important tip to prevent the breakage and cracking of your nails is to wear the gloves while doing any household chore like washing the dishes or cleaning the house.
    • Drink as much water as you can because the insufficient water in the body leads to the breakdown of nails and when the nails will start getting broken then thinking of longer nails will become just an impossible desire.
    • Always maintain a standard length of your nails, the too short nails will affect the overall beauty and style of your hands and the too longer nails will break easily so going for some normal length is the best option.
    • Don’t apply too much thick coats of nail polish on your nails because it will completely cover the bed of your nail and it won’t breathe. This stronger covering will badly affect the health and texture of your nails.

    So these were some of the tips that can effectively help you in getting the perfectly desirable nails for yourself. Just remember the fact that all the beauty of your hand is dependent on your nails so don’t spoil that beauty by ignoring your nails

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