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Tips for Reducing Back Pain

by Ana

Chronic back pain and shoulder pain is one of the most common problems of women that is experienced on the daily basis and the reasons can be different.

The solution is always available for the problems which are not due to any internal problem of the body i.e. if the doctor has told you that this pain is because of the wrong postures of sitting and standing or because of your body’s weight and other such issues then the solution is easily available at home.

In this article some very effective suggestions have been provided for those women who want to get rid of their back pain by some activities which they can easily perform in their daily routine.

  • The muscles of your back are the chiefs supports for your breast and the women who have large breasts usually suffers with the back pain, in such case the women should go for such under garments that fully support their breast and other than that they should go for the breast reducing exercise which can be obtained easily from the internet.
  • The weak spine is another cause of back pain so in order to make your spine and overall healthy and fit you have to do exercise on the daily basis and your goal should be doing exercise for about 30 minutes daily. Even if you don’t want to go for daily exercise still you should perform any activity which keeps your body highly active for some time like cycling or swimming.
  • No matter what is your age, you should regularly visit the doctor for checkup and the best way to make a plan of visiting your doctor after every two to three months for complete checkup of your body.
  • You must not carry a wrong posture by thinking that you are only relaxing your muscles because this activity makes your muscle’s hard and according to medical experts good posture which involves balanced standing and sitting routines keep your muscles always healthy and fit.
  • One of the most essential nutrients for your body is sleep and the sleeping posture can make a big affect to the overall functionality of our body and it especially affects the back and shoulders so you have to see how are you sleeping and are your body at the complete rest or you are stressing on some point.

These were some tips that can help you in getting rid of the back pain which spoils the fun of our daily life and make us feel tired always. It has been reported that most of the back pain cases are only because of some bad postures which gives stress to our body muscles so it should be kept in mind that whatever activity you are performing always look for the relaxing of your body.

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1 comment

Posture and Lying Down | October 18, 2010 - 2:06 am

[…] great web site for posture related articles is Cool Health Tips Technorati Tags: Fatigue,comfort,sleeping position,lower back,back pain,mattresses,lordosis,sway […]

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