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Tips for daily personal health improvement

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To keep your body and mind in great shape you need to have an excellent competent health. You can achieve it easily by incorporating a few routine activities or habits into your daily schedule. Through these activities you can improve the quality of your health without developing any dependency on medical practitioners.

On an average, we need to drink about 2.6 litres of water daily to allow optimal body functioning. It is the best defence against toxicity in the body, but you have to drink pure, healthy water. Tap water may contain up to 2,000 toxic residues, including heavy metals, viruses, parasite cysts and radioactivity depending on the source. Make sure that your source of drinking water is salubrious and not harmful for your heath. The county health department….  have various provisions to examine whether your water is safe or contaminated. With rising consciousness among consumers about contaminated water, a large number of people are using e water purifiers commonly available in the market very frequently.

A truly effective health and wellness plan will never be complete without addressing the mental and emotional well-being of the person. Regular exercise will help you to maintain both the physical and mental health and protect your body from disease like cancer and heart ailments. Try to keep stretching your muscles by doing arm and leg extensions, whenever you are watching television or having conversation on the telephone. As you extend your leg, rotate and point your foot to stretch your calf muscles and increase circulation in your lower extremities.

Whenever you want to adopt proper and safe nutritional habits, try to go for a plant based diet.  Twenty percent of a healthy diet should consist of milk, meat and eggs, and 80 percent should be vegetables, fruits, and grains. (Fibre is found in grains, fruits, and vegetables.) Avoid fast foods to reduce fat. When eating habits are changed to a healthier pattern blood pressure and cholesterol levels are usually lowered thereby helping to reduce the risk of obesity related diseases.

Taking vitamins and minerals seems to fall within a gray area — giving your body what it needs by taking nutritional supplements can certainly benefit you. A discussion between doctor and patient can help determine the types of vitamins needed for each person’s benefit. Natural medications also help to prevent diseases. One of the things that you often hear  is antioxidants. These are plant based compounds that fight all kinds of disease, such as Alzheimer’s, cancer and other devastating illnesses.  Recently, the medical field is giving more credence to natural medications. Many suggest using them for various diseases and all recommend that we include more fruits and vegetables in our diet. Ask your doctor… instead of taking medicines…. whether herbs like black cohosh (Black cohosh has been used to ease the symptoms of menopause and menstrual discomfort. Black cohosh has also been used for rheumatism, cough, high cholesterol levels, and hardening of the arteries.) or milk thistle (It  helps in protecting the liver ; it is effective against chronic liver cirrhosis, necroses and hepatitis A and B. It also serves as an antidepressant) will help you to reduce extra flesh without any tablet or injection.

Man is a social being, preferring to live in groups with a high level of social interaction. Studies have shown that people who are isolated and lonely have a higher incidence of health problems and, people who are enjoying huge connections are more likely to get healthy and stay well than those lonely people. Sharing knowledge is what expands an empowered environment for us all to grow. Be helpful yourself. If you are known for willingly giving your time and expertise, you’ll find people responsive when you ask for help.
These are a few modest and unconditional options which will help you to achieve a genuine good life.

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