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The Revolution in Medical Science to Help Future Patients

by Ana

A cursory look at the world today will tell you how far we have come. Nowhere is this more apparent than in medical science. Just a few centuries ago the use of leeches was the height of medical treatment. Now we have sophisticated machines, advanced medicine and specialized doctors to diagnose and treat almost any ailment you may have.

The revolution in medical science has been happening gradually, characterized by a few notable moments. For instance, these days you may take thermometers, microscopes and stethoscopes for granted but their invention in the 1800s was nothing short of remarkable. The same goes for the discovery of penicillin, other antibiotics and many other medicines. All these discoveries and inventions have combined to make modern medicine the marvel it is today.

Science and Research

It is impossible to talk about the revolution in medical science without talking about the key role research has played. Scientific research is at the heart of medical discoveries. Scientists spend a great deal of time trying to find the cure for some of the diseases in the world. You can find more details on research findings published in different scientific journals.


The dynamic interplay between research and ill health has led to a deeper understanding of diseases, their causes and risk factors and has transformed their modes of treatment. You can see this when you compare past and present methods of treating cancer and other chronic illnesses. There are also noticeable changes in how genetic disorders and hereditary diseases are dealt with these days.

One of the most remarkable areas of study in medical science right now is stem cell research. Stem cells are unique in that they can change into other types of cells in the body. They have an immense healing potential to repair, restore or replace cells that are lost or damaged by disease or injury and can be differentiated to form bones, organs, tissue or cartilage.

Research recently revealed that stem cells found in teeth were superior to those found in the bone marrow. Due to this, if you are a parent, you are advised to take your child’s milk teeth to a Tooth Cell Bank where they will be safely stored. This could save your child’s life in future if they fall ill. Stem cells from these teeth can be used to replace diseased and damaged tissues in your child’s body without the risk of rejection.

Medicine and Technology


Technology has also led to remarkable developments in modern science. Science and bioengineering have made it possible to have assistive technology to help people who have various disabilities to live normal lives. In the past, hearing aids, artificial limbs and other forms of assistive technology were merely the stuff of dreams. Now they are part of our reality.

With technology developing at a speedy rate, it is not hard to imagine a future where people will have almost instant access to medical care. Perhaps medics will even discover a cure for some of the common incurable diseases currently afflicting humanity. As medical science advances, equal effort needs to be put in to ensure everyone has access to medical care.


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