Home ยป How Many People Transform Their Lives After Completing A Successful Rehab Program

How Many People Transform Their Lives After Completing A Successful Rehab Program

by Souti

Are you the courageous one who has decided to admit to your alcohol or drug addiction and take professional help for it? Or are the one who is looking to reform your alcoholic or drug addict loved one and take him to a better life?

Well, whatever category you may fit in, there is no denying that a good rehabilitation center can work wonders or you and reinstate your sobriety. There are many amongst us who have won over this problem and then there are many celebrities who have publicly battled their addiction to pave the way and inspire others to do the same. No addiction can truly break the will of your mind, it can just suppress it, however the courage of a true hero comes out in these times, when the mind wins over the addiction.


To start with, check out these indicators and see if they hold true for you or your loved one. If they do, it is time to look for a good rehabilitation center.

  1. Feeling guilty or ashamed about drinking.
  2. Telling lies or hiding your addiction problems.
  3. Craving for that drink or drug to get yourself relaxed
  4. ‘Black Outs’ or forgetting what you did while drinking
  5. Drinking even at odd hours
  6. Being abusive and shouting at others

Rehabilitation centers have really come a long way than what they used to be in earlier days. There are common treatment centers and then there are private rehab centers for celebrities or people who want to keep their identity under wraps. Many individuals have transformed their lives and owe it all to good rehabilitation centers. A good treatment center can really make you understand how special life is and how it needs to be cherished and not wasted.

Some of the celebrities who echo this sentiment after having been through the process of rehabilitation are:

  1. Johnny Depp – The actor battled alcoholism and proudly states that his life is better without alcohol in it.
  2. Mel Gibson – A DUI arrest in 2006 got his alcohol problem in the open when he hurled racist and anti-semitic remarks against cops. Thereafter, his girlfriend also admitted to verbal abuse. His problems came to an end when he checked into a rehabilitation center and reformed his ways.
  3. Robert Downey Jr – This actor has been a role model to many for fighting addiction to alcohol and many substances. Prompt to seek help, he maintains a well balanced and addiction free life today.
  4. Ben Affleck – He checked into a rehabilitation center in 2001 and has been sober since.
  5. Betty Ford – Wife of President Gerald Ford, she was a reformed addict and even used her First Lady status to open an alcoholic abuse center to help others facing similar problems like her.

These transformation of celebrities are just out in the open for us to see and get inspired. However, there are many amongst us also who have waged and won this battle successfully. So, do not fear and just keep the faith and jump in!

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