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Some Side Effects of Marijuana

by Souti

Cannabis is popularly known as marijuana, even sometimes it is spelled as marihuana. Cannabis plant basically served the purpose of psychoactive drug. Cannabis has been declared as one of the most extensively used crooked thing in the whole world. The major compound delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol” or THC plays the major role of mind adjustment. Cannabis is a source of additional 400 dissimilar compounds & 66 extra cannabinoids, which can come with separate affects from those THC. Marijuana is mainly smoked in a water pipe or in a pipe. It can also be used in cigarettes, by loosely rolling it. It is popularly known as joints, where grass is used as a tobacco. People can experience its effects within a few minutes & the peak could be for 10-30 minutes.

Some of the side effects of marijuana are as follows:

  • Consuming marijuana can lead to its addiction. The amount the users need to get that feeling is basically abusive. Addiction can usurp your mind with hallucinations, when the drug in unavailable to you.  Addiction leads to an indocile craving for this drug & users can end up with some negative outcomes.

  • Marijuana instigates user’s appetite. They mostly finish up with excess eating. Excessive eating leads the users to a havoc weight gain.
  • Consuming marijuana can also lead to health ailments like, reducing physical capabilities, breathing troubles etc. Suffering from depression is quite common among the people, who are having it daily.
  • Daily use can also leave an adverse impact on your brain. Confusing chemical balance can also affect the regulatory systems as well as pleasure centers.
  • It can also be eaten or drenched in a drink. However consuming exorbitant quantities can lead to enhancing toxic psychosis as well as delusions, hallucination & also sometimes loss of self-identity.
  • Marijuana can also lessen the capability to memorise, adopting with fast change, learning something etc.
  • Though marijuana can give you some pleasure for a few minutes, however this pleasure will come along with some side effects like- short term memory loss, losing motivation, imperfect conception, wrong judgement, panic attack or anxiety, damaging reproductive system, psychological dependency, paranoia etc.
  • Smoking it regularly could enhance the possibility of lung cancer, strokes as well as heart attacks. Studies also revealed that it enhances the chances of accident. 6-11 % of disastrous accidents happen because of it.

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