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Some of the Useful Tips for Healthy Hair

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Want your friends to drool over your lovely tresses? Good locks are a very important part of the overall personality.

Check out the top 10 tips for healthy hair and know how you can make your tresses lovelier than ever.

Healthy Hair

It seems ever since women were created their hair became a major cause of concern for them. And why not? The locks of a woman are one of her prime assets. Nice, lustrous locks serve to heighten her beauty. And a man simply loves his woman to have a good head of hair. The same goes for women too.

Which woman would not love her man to have nice hair? It seems both men and women want nice, attractive hair. But few do something really good to take care of their mane. Take a look at these effective hair care suggestions. These will actually improve your hair growth as well as make your scalp a general talking point.

How to have Healthy Hair

Healthy long hair does not come naturally. Few are born with good genes that take care of their hair without an effort. But for the less fortunate souls, it is important to know how to get healthy hair. Three things are essential for hair care. These are:

A Good Lifestyle

Having a balanced, regulated lifestyle takes good care of your body. The modern age has put a lot of stress on humans resulting in erratic eating and sleeps patterns. It is essential to have a proper lifestyle in order to maintain the body clock. This aids good health which in turn, promotes growth of the body cells including the hair cells.

Good Food

A well-balanced diet supplies essential minerals and nutrients to the body. Healthy hair growth is not possible without good nutrition of the body. Healthy hair care needs the right proteins and vitamins which can only be provided by a well-planned diet.

Hair Conditioning and Styling

Good conditioning and styling of your hair will give it that fresh, shiny look you so desire. Running around all day in heat and dust automatically makes your head dirty. Your hair loses its luster and gives you the dull appearance that you hate to see in the mirror. So conditioning the hair is very important. It is also equally important to set your locks in a particular style that fits your face shape and personality.

Top 10 Tips for Healthy Hair

So you have got an idea of the basic requirements of your hair. It is now the time for you to feed yourself with ten healthy hair tips. These effective suggestions will let you know how to keep your hair healthy. If implemented rightly, these tips will do your crown a world of good in the long run.

  • Hair styling

As said earlier, you must choose a hair style that goes with your personality and face shape. Do not opt for a too tight hair style such as braids or ponytails. It is not healthy to keep your hair under stress for too long. It can give you a bad hair condition known as ‘areata’. If however, you go for a ponytail make sure that you use a covered band and not rubber bands. Rubber bands put undue tension on the hair and you may develop split ends.

  • Shampoo and conditioner

A good shampoo cleans your hair of all grime and dirt. So it is essential that you shampoo your hair every now and then. Once you are through, wring out the excess water off the hair. Apply a conditioner to the ends and the middle area of your hair. Pass a comb through to evenly distribute the conditioner. Wait for about 10 minutes. Then wash off the conditioner and rub your hair dry.

  • Rubbing the hair

While rubbing your hair dry, do not use force. Many people commit the mistake of rubbing their hair too harshly. Gently rub your hair and no strand will come off.

  • Drying the hair

Do you prefer blow-drying? Just blast your hair dry. Do not go for heat-drying. Excessive heat harms your hair cuticles.

  • Combing the hair

Do not comb your hair while it is wet. Hair when wet is weak. Comb your hair after it has dried a bit. Also, your comb should not be broken. Try not to use an old comb or brush with broken teeth or bristles. This can make your hair tear off. You should ideally go hair brushes made of beechwood or bristle. These give shape to your hair in a smooth way. Plastic or nylon brushes can damage your hair cuticles.

  • Moisturizing conditioners

It is good to use moisturizing conditioners on your hair. These conditioners enter your hair shaft and safeguard it against breakage. Regular use of protein or moisturizing conditioners keeps your hair healthy.

  • Dandruff

Dandruff problems take the sheen out of your hair. If you are having dandruff, you can try a simple tip. Mix about 60% vinegar with 40% lemon juice. Use this solution to massage your crown. Wash this off after half an hour with a little shampoo and cold water. Dry your hair completely before tying. Did you know that tying damp hair can actually cause dandruff?

  • Trimming

It is important to trim your hair every now and then. Snipping off the slip ends can promote healthy hair growth for you. Guys need to trim their hair after every one or two months. Girls can do so after three or four months. But it ultimately depends on how fast your hair grows.

  • Nutrition

Healthy hair needs healthy foods. Green vegetables, almonds, carrots, apricots and turnips are good sources of Vitamin A, which boosts hair roots. Your diet should also consist of foods rich in iron such as fish and leafy vegetables. Dishes rich in protein like milk and soy are also essential for good hair growth.

  • Sleep

8 hours of sleep is what the doctor recommends and it is a truth. The body needs time to rest and repair itself. The beauty hours of sleep provide the body with the much needed relaxation. This is also the time when most of the growth usually takes place. That includes your hair. Invest your hours in some good napping and it will show on your scalp.

Hope you liked these top 10 tips for healthy hair. Apply these suggestions and watch your hair get a stronger, shinier look. Be the envy of your friends and the talking point of the opposite sex.

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1 comment

10 Cool Tips for Hair | AllinfoDir Health Articles and News April 6, 2011 - 11:03 am

[…] wavy try to use conditioners when washing your hairs because conditioner has the capacity to make hairs healthy, smooth and […]

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