Home » Aloe vera » Some important facts about Aloe-Vera

Some important facts about Aloe-Vera

by Ana

Aloe vera has long been considering a useful plant as it has a historical significance for its multiple uses in different medicine and skin care products. These days Aloe-Vera is widely used to treat different skin conditions like burns and eczema but its other uses in different medicines and other treatments have greatly reduced. A study suggests that Aloe-Vera has such substances as can be very helpful to lose body fat but further studies are required to know the usability of these Aloe-Vera substances in losing body fat. It has a pleasant and soothing smell and that’s why it is used in soaps’ shampoos and many other similar products.

Aloe-Vera is also available in gel form, juices, drinks, lotions, capsules, syrups and creams and besides these products you can also extract it from the aloe-vera plant that is abundantly found in humid areas.

There are many scientists who are not in agreement on the usability and effectiveness of aloe vera as a medicine. It is also quite difficult to find the effects of aloe vera with the help of researches as it is considered a complicated herb. It is said that there are almost 75 different nutrients in aloe-vera that include vitamins, minerals, enzymes, sugars and acids. Many people believe that aloe-vera can also help to tone the muscles and reduce body fat. It is also believed that aloe-vera is quite beneficial for digestion, as an anti-bacterial, wound healer and much more. Another important cure which is related to aloe-vera is the cure of common cold while no medicine has been ever proved to cure it.

Besides all these claimed cures and remedies you must also keep in mind that aloe-vera has some side effects. Liver dysfunctions, allergic reactions, burning sensations, nausea, colored urine and dramatists are some of these side effects but we must know that most of these side effects are quite rare and occur once in a blue moon. Results of some studies also show that aloe-vera helps to reduce pain but the wounds which are treated with aloe-vera take much time to heal than usual and that’s what makes it an undesirable treatment in many cases.

Some other such conditions in which you shouldn’t take aloe-vera are pregnancy or breast-feeding, heart diseases, kidney disease, allergic to garlic or onions etc. People with such conditions must avoid using aloe-Vera. It is worth mentioning that aloe-vera can prove poisonous to the children and animals and they mustn’t be given it in any condition.

Related Links:

  • How to lose fat
  • http://www.wikihow.com/Lose-Weight-Fast

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1 comment

El August 5, 2008 - 8:26 am

I drink aleo vera juice since 15 years old and now I’m 26 years old. I never know that aleo vera do have side effects on human body! Thanks for this article, it ring me a bell that, I should took too much of it.

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