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Some Early Indications of Dementia

by Souti

If you are suffering from ailments like continuously forgetting your friend’s names or having problems in remembering some of your past experiences or having real difficulties while dealing with your daily routine, then it could be a mental condition called dementia. When your brain loses its orientation, memory, understanding, speaking then the condition is acknowledged as dementia. The following early indications would help you to decide your next step. It will help you to understand your condition & consult with your physician.

  • You can also experience some kind of getting lost within your quite generally known areas like your work place or even your regular route etc. You can also experience conditions like forgetting your assignments or meetings etc.
  • Because of dementia you will also get into problems like failure to use the appropriate words etc. However you should not mix with people when you are lacking the ability to express. They could get disturbed when it’s time for performing some analytical tasks (like calculations etc.). However it doesn’t mean that if your friend failed to gather the pass mark for maths then they are suffering from the same ailment.

  • Sometimes forgetting some names are considered as quite a normal phenomenon, however when you are continuously forgetting names of your closed relatives or friends, then there is a reason to worry.
  • Dementia patients could also become quite negligent towards their daily hygiene like taking bath or even brushing their teeth etc.
  • People having this ailment can also get into trouble when it’s time for decision making. They have been identified to be quite bad in delivering their judgement. They could also find it difficult while picking out differences between size & colour.
  • Preparing your meal or just forgetting to have it is also a kind of an indication. Sometimes you can also experience difficulties while driving or following road signals.
  • People with dementia can also experiences extreme restlessness & even insomnia. They could also turn quite paranoid as well as suspicious to everything. Even in some cases they could also experience illusions.
  • You can also find them behaving quite strangely with their spouses or even with their parents. They can also identify people incorrectly.

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Tweets that mention Some Early Indications of Dementia -- Topsy.com February 1, 2011 - 1:56 am

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Eric Chase and Catherine Price, Eileen Stepton. Eileen Stepton said: Some Early Indications of Dementia – Cool Health Tips: If you are suffering from ailments like continuously forg… http://bit.ly/gfMc83 […]

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