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Side effects of Nimesulide

by Souti

Nimesulide provides relief from primary dysmenorrhoea in adolescents & osteoarthritis.  It’s a anti-inflammatory, non-steroidal drug. Nimusilide provides treatment for acute pain.  But nimesulide has been drawn aside from the market because of its hepatic effects (risk of hepatatoxicity) on patients.  In India this banned compound is still available easily. Because of the adverse reactions European countries & Israel has withdrawn  nimesulide from market.

European countries have also banned the use of Nimesulide in view of its unacceptable rate of serious adverse reactions. Israel also withdrew the use of Nimesulide in 1999 after reports of several cases of severe hepatic failure.

Few of the trade names are:

Aulin, Ainex, Mesulid,Drexel, Edrigyl, Enetra, Eskaflam, Heugan, Donulide, Minapon, Nexen, Nimed, Nimedex, Nimesil, Nise,Nimulid, Nimutab, Nisulid, Nidolon,Nodard Plus (India), Scaflam, Scaflan etc.

Side effects of nimesulide:

  • Use of nimesulide can cause hepatotoxic risks. It can happen not only in children but also in adults
  • It can even cause liver injury.
  • According to a few studies nimesulide should not be used for the primary mode of therapy as anti-pyretic, particularly for children.
  • Study reveals that five day use of nimusulide (by a 70 year old women) cause jaundice & as per laboratory probes hypoglycaemia, hypoalbuminaemia. Coagulopathy were there. In spite of the treatment acute renal failure enlarged.
  • Prolong use of nimesulide can developed gastritis.
  • Through an action on COX-2 colon cancer can occur.
  • Indigestion is one of the most common effect.
  • Some other side effects that can be experienced are:
  • Headache, skin rash, vomiting, diarrhoea, dizziness & pruritis.
  • Pregnant women or women in lactation should consult a  doctor before having this drug.


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rajkumar January 10, 2010 - 9:03 pm

being a central govt. employee i approached the central govt. health scheme as i was suffering from high fever. i was prescribed nimesulide among other drugs. now, after 5 days i am having sever dizziness . thank you very much for enlightening me. now i will discontinue using numesulide.

Jabbar tamboli January 12, 2010 - 5:32 am

Present article about nimesulide side effect gives perfect idea about adverse effects.

Habib Qureshi October 15, 2010 - 7:29 am

I used Nimesulide namely tablet Narcogin and Unix easily available in Pakistan.

I used the above tablets during Headache and after using i feel relief of pain.

but some how i am feeling vomiting and digestive problem.

so i will discontinue the above immediately.

satyanarayana govindu December 11, 2010 - 6:17 am

nemesulide reacted on to my wifes’s right portion of tha face including the eye.An injectionof avil was injected but to no use .Any other medicines to recover this problem?

v.krishnakumar December 18, 2010 - 11:37 am

Thank u Thank u and Thank u for enlighten me. wonderful it is to understand. for a sudden toothache usually during winter season, i take Nimesulide in combination of Paracetamol for three days and i have been relieved from severe pain and cured. But this time i got my foreskin in my penny have developed skin rash inflammation. Thank you once again. with best wishes.

v.krishnakumar December 18, 2010 - 11:43 am

Thank u. for toothache which i experience during winter season, I take nimesulide for 3 days and get cured from pain. But this time i got my foreskin in my penny have developed skin rash inflammation. I would be very careful now. Best wishes

yogender February 6, 2011 - 9:58 am

i never feel any side effect of nimiulid

RcPathak February 27, 2011 - 2:00 pm

Iam experiencing severe pain in my left shoulder from 12th oct 2010 often days I have to sit on bed catching my shoulder by right hand for hours togather docter, prescribed Ibrufen but no relief. some dr. injected neorobion 5 amples + 30 tab of cal. daily one but no relief .Than a non doctor advised to take nimesulide tab it is 3rd day I got 95% relief . But do not know that what will happen in future.Thank you for alerting me about side effects.I took only 3 tab so for and stoping.

aamir raja April 6, 2011 - 5:44 am

i am prescribed nimesulide for chronic non infective allergic discomfort(swelling and pain) in my throat..
i ‘ll quiet it abruptly n report back to my ENT specialist n pharmacologist….

Tess May 25, 2011 - 3:29 am

It is enlightening to read about the side effects of nimesulide. What I’m worried about is that there are so many people still ignorant about the danger of using this drug while it is still easily available in the market though it is already banned.

aarti khanna June 28, 2011 - 6:34 am

nimesulide in excess dosage is not good for one’s body. it is the excess dosage that triggers adverse reactions…in adults..
NISE for instance has nimesulide.. but when consumed in normal dosage per day..will not have any adverse reactions…

anil reddy June 30, 2011 - 4:52 am

I have been using NISE tablet (which contains nimesulide) from the past 6 years for getting relief from fever and head ache. I never had any issue or side effect and I’m extremely happy with the way it worked. I don’t think it is banned in India as many doctors are still prescribing it and many people are using it. The side effects you are talking about might be because of some other reason

vacant pandit August 21, 2011 - 4:12 pm

yes, I have used it several times but my personal suggestion is anyone can be administered this medicine not more than once or twice. sometimes these kind of medicine work wonders for good relief.

dr sunil September 1, 2011 - 12:46 pm

After reading description and comment on Nimesulite, beside my prescribing experience its very clear that low dos ease dosen’t cause any horm for kid as well adults.

ESKAY February 27, 2012 - 9:40 pm

Which allopathy medicine does not have side effect? Nimesulide has excellent anti pyretic properties. Like other medicines it should be used temporarily when other medicines like paracetamol are ineffective. Even paracetamol has side effects on liver. I have seen many persons benefitting from Nimesulide without any side effects when given for short span. The act of banning drugs in India appears to be based on several other non scientific considerations.

Rod June 11, 2012 - 9:19 am

A high dosage of paracetamol (acetaminophen) is probably more toxic than an above-average dose of nimesulide. Also, ALWAYS eat something substantial before taking nimesulide or any anti-inflammatory drug, to protect your stomach. Drinking lots of pure, filtered water also helps dealing with the liver toxicity. Don’t take more than 200mg a day, unless prescribed so. Of course none of this will cease the possible side effects, but it will prevent most of them.

shdesai9 June 19, 2012 - 6:59 am

I used Nice on two occasions for high fever whenother drugs like paracetamol were not working. Nemuslide work like wonder drug but it has severe side effect on me of Diabetics. My sugar rose from 100 to 140 and more,feel weak, thirsty etc. It took 15 days to bring back sugar to normal. Use this drug cautiosly.
S h Desai

TAHIRAAHMED August 9, 2012 - 1:03 pm

I use Nimesulide tablets 100 mg bid off .& on when i develop low backace but after reading this artile and comments of the users i shall never use it in future

DR Lal Baboo Gupta September 16, 2012 - 11:14 am

I am a retired Dentist 63 yrs old and since last 3-4 days I am having pharyngitis, cough ,mild fever,whole body ache etc. I am taking Antibiotics and other supporting drugs but to relieve the body ache I take one Tab Nimuslide since last 2 days before going to bed for comfortable feeling. Can I take 2 days more at night only if needed to have free from pain ,fever.
Will it be harmful to Liver ?
Thank you
Lal baboo

mina October 11, 2012 - 7:58 am

i have been using nice for nearly 9 to 10 yrs but in intrevals not every day when my head hurts in winter ,tooth ach or when bones are paining i have never realized any side effect this tablet is really helpful to me

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