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Show Your Valentine You Care, Give Her the Gift of Sound Sleep

by Ana

On the Valentine’s Day, you can give the most seeking gift to your partner or spouse that is a good night’s rest. The American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery says that snoring is one of the major reasons which impels the couples to sleep separately and poses a great strain on healthy relationships. It can spoil the intimacy, brings troubles in the sex life and in certain cases, the couple seek divorce too. So it is no longer only a laughing matter.The sound of snoring is initiated in the collapsible part of the air passage where there is a lack of rigid support. It also involves the back of the nose, palate, tonsils and the tongue. Some other factors that can induce snoring are being over weight, use of sedatives and enlarged tonsils and adenoids. The problem of snoring worsens with age.

These patients not only suffer due to lack of refreshing sleep but also have a higher risk of developing cardiac, pulmonary and behavioral problems. Even if it doesn’t disturb them it is likely to ruin their partner’s chance to have a good night’s rest.

About 80 percent of the partners of the snorers decide to sleep in separate rooms, leading to isolation and frustration among both the partners. It is essential to give this problem a serious thought and prevent it to destroy the harmony and the happiness.

Surgical treatment is often considered as a last resort for its treatment however it is frequently used these days as rapid advances have been done in this field. There are certain self help tips which can prove effective in combating this problem.

  • Remain active by exercising and physical activities. It will help in maintaining the body weight which is one of the most significant factors. Snoring prevails more among the over weight people.
  • Reduce alcohol intake. Alcohol relaxes the soft tissues and muscles in the throat, resulting in snoring.
  • Smoking and tranquillizers should be avoided.
  • Improving the sleeping postures also helps. It is better to sleep sideways rather than on the back. However it is hard to break the habit.
  • Tilt the bed with the head upwards. This makes the breathing easier and facilitates smooth forward movement of the jaws and mouth. So the use of a thick pillow should be avoided. It can block the airway by bending the neck.
  • To enjoy sound sleep, it is important to develop regular sleeping patterns.

If the above efforts to control snoring do not help, it is advisable to consult your physician or an otolaryngologist, ears, nose, and throat specialist. He would diagnose the problem of snoring and associated disorders.

On this Valentines Day show your partner that you care and present him with the gift of sound and refreshing sleep.

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