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Research Revealed Sex Rate in U.S.A is less as Expected

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Sex Rate in USA

A recent research revealed that youngsters (15 to 24) are lesser involved in sex as compared to people above this age. According to a Government survey in America, teenagers sex less than as expected. There could be multiple reasons behind this but the most common reason could be that young people want to be protective against AIDS and other diseases that spread due to sex. The study revealed 27% young guys and 29% young girls did not experience sex at their teenage.

Reasons may vary from person to person. Some people might not find time from their busy schedules as teens and young people have lots of things to do regarding their study stuff. When researchers were conducting this research they asked a 17 years old boy about his daily routine, according to him he get-up at 5.00 in the morning and go to bed at 10 p.m. His whole time is spent in exercise, swimming, studies, homework, weightlifting and socializing with friends.

You might be thinking how could researchers conclude this for so sure? They took interview of above 5,300 people and then come to the conclusion that sex rate is declining in young people. The finding of this research will be good news for parents who remain worried about their teen kids.Chief Program Officer for the National Campaign and Unplanned Pregnancy, Bill Albert said, “Many parents look at teen and sex and see nothing but a blur of bare midriffs. They think things are terrible and getting worse. There are other surveys of sexual behavior, but this is considered the largest and most reliable”

Sex education since last decade has played a vital role in educating masses regarding adverse effects of frequent unsafe sex. George Bush funded different programs to spread sex education. Contraception and safe sex were two fundamental phenomena that were emphasized by the sex educationalist.

Sex educator Yvonne Fulbright said “This generation is very much focused on their future and not necessarily getting laid”

Result’s of Research

  • The study showed that most of the people, who experience sex, do oral sex before intercourse, but it is more common in whites than blacks.
  • Surprisingly women want to have relationship with the persons of same age whereas this phenomenon was not seen in men. Men choose women for sex regardless to give preference to age.
  • Researchers also found that percentage of women who declare themselves as bisexual was greater as compare to men.

Awareness about adverse effect of unsafe sex has induced young people to protect them from sexually transmitted diseases. It reflects young people want to secure their future.

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