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Postponement of Pregnancy is The Right Choice of Women

by Ana

It has been published yesterday in the CNN channel that the process of postponement of the pregnancy could cause some sorts of certain incidents in the body of the women. These all kinds of planning and generation development are being done with full of care and investigations from the side of the doctors.

The most common implementation of the delay in pregnancy is that the majority of the women would like to have some reasonable levels of resources and healthy body. The women want to remain as fit as ever. They want to maintain their beautiful and sexy figures so as to get the probable jobs in the world market according to their wishing and desires. This competition has been enhanced at an immense level of the velocity in the United States of America that it has really created the phenomenon of holdup the procession of the pregnancy.

In between the majority of the US women would like to stand up with their husband. They want to work, travel, shopping, enjoyments in the casinos etc. so in this way the married couple want deemed into their first baby desires. Almost a woman around the age of thirty would like to have a new born baby for her domestic growth.

In the meanwhile some of the conspiracies have come into observation that the men would like to have more girl friends because of delaying the sexual intercourses as well as the desire of a baby. By having such gender distinction the men would tend into the sexual enjoyments with the unmarried women in the form of girl friends.

As for as the psychological inferences are concerned during the postponements of the baby planning’s, the mind would get automatically reflected into depression and a feel of having such a long pregnancy interval. It is not happened with the women but also occurred with the men.

The societal oppression then it comes as a torching brand for a women that why doesn’t she get a baby? Why doesn’t she like to be pregnant? In this phase a man becomes cruel towards the woman. He doesn’t like her natural beauty rather than just to fuck her body every. What really is this? After all it is women who later on decide about her future and plan of the pregnancy. When a man could have a drink, sex, fuck, hashing smoking, in a very open atmosphere then why don’t women have a plan of giving birth to a child at the thirty years of ages.

So we could say at end that the delay in the procession of the baby wishing is the right choice of a woman because it is she who suffers a lot. All the men are debilitating towards them .they would just to have a women and fuck her body in an animated way. So the women should control on birth issues. Because it could harm there healthy yet the mutual understanding are dam important for the married couple to have a baby in the likely time or not.
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