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Pneumococcal Disease – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

by Ana

What is Pneumococcal Disease?

Pneumococcal Disease is an infection that is caused by the Streptococcus Penumoniae Bacterium. It is also known as Pneumococcus. This infection is in result of Pneumonia, Infection of Blood known as Bacteremia or Sepsis, Middle Ear Infection (Otitis media) or Bacterial Meningitis.

The World Health Organization (WHO) says that Pneumococcal Disease is the best World’s Vaccine that is preventable cause of death among babies and children younger than 5 years of age.

According to the World Health Organization, about 1.6 Million people die every year due to Pneumococcal Disease. About half of them are children younger than the age of 5 years. WHO classifies Pneumococcal as a major cause of Death and illness in the world.

Pneumococcus CDC PHIL ID1003

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According to Pan American Health Organization Pneumococcal Disease causes the 2 deaths every hour among the children, who are younger than 5 years of age in America.

This disease mostly affects the people, who are either very young or very old.

According to World Health Organization, Vaccines are the only tools to prevent this disease. There is an urgent need of more vaccines.

Types of Pneumococcal Disease

There are 2 main types of Pneumococcal Disease

  1. Non- invasive Pneumococcal Disease.
  2. Invasive Pneumococcal Disease.
  1. Non- invasive Pneumococcal Disease

    This condition is not as much severe as Invasive Pneumococcal Disease. It can occur in the different organs of the body and the Blood.

    S. Pneumoniae can spread from the Nasopharynx (Nose and Throat) to the Respiratory system and it can cause

    • Otitis MediaIt is a Middle Ear Infection that leads to inflammation of Middle Ear, the fluid is collected in the Middle Ear, causes swelling in the Ear drum and ultimately results in Earache.
    • Non-Bacteremic PneumoniaIt is the infection of the lower Respiratory track without spreading to the organisms through the Blood.
  2. Invasive Pneumococcal Disease

    This type of disease is more serious and can occur in the main organs or in the Blood. The examples of this condition may include

    • Bacteremia (Sepsis)It is the Bacterial Infection of the Blood. It shows the presence of Bacteria in the Blood. Sepsis refers to Blood Infection, which is linked with the leakage of Capillaries, shock and an enhanced risk of mortality.
    • MeningitisIt is the inflammation of the Meninges. These are the 3 Membranes that cover the Brain and the Spinal Cord.
    • Bacterium PneumoniaIt is the infection of 1or both the Lungs due to Pneumococcus that is found in the Blood.

Risk of Pneumococcal Disease

Anybody can get this disease. Some people have still more risk of Pneumococcal Disease

Following people are at higher risk for this disease

  • Children younger than 2 years of age.
  • People over 65 years of age.
  • People living in developing countries.
  • People with weak Immune system like patients of HIV Aids, Diabetes etc.
  • People suffering from diseases like Lung Cancer, Heart Diseases, Cancer, Kidney Disease, Sickle Cell Diseases, Alcoholism etc.
  • People who are patients of Spleen Disease.
  • Tobacco smokers.
  • Patients of Cerebrospinal Fluid leakage.
  • People who have Cochlear Implant.

Cause of Pneumococcal Disease

It is caused by the Streptococcus Penumoniae Bacterium.

Symptoms of Pneumococcal Disease

Following are the symptoms that patient experiences during this condition

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Sweat
  • Pains
  • Headache
  • Malaise
  • Muscular pains
  • Rapid Heart rate
  • Rapid Breathing
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Sleepiness
  • Irritability
  • Stiff Neck
  • Seizures
  • Coma
  • Cough
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Chest Pain
  • Fatigue
  • Earache
  • Diarrhea
  • Hear loss
  • Ear Discharge

Diagnosis of Pneumococcal Disease

The diagnosis of Pneumococcal disease is difficult. There are many ways of finding whether a patient is suffering from this disease or not.

The type of tests depends on the symptoms of the disease. Other types of Bacteria can also cause infections with the same symptoms but the testing is still necessary to find the presence of this infection.

Following are the tests taken for diagnosing Pneumococcal disease

  1. Physical Examination of Patient

    The doctor checks the patient’s Chest with the help of Stethoscope. If a crackling sound is heard then it is the symptom of Pneumonia. Doctor can also diagnose the cases by observing the Respiratory rate and the breathing behavior of a patient.

  2. Blood Pressure Test

    People suffering from serious infections have low Blood Pressure mostly.

  3. X-ray of Chest

    A shadow on the Chest shows the signs of Pneumonia. There can be presence of Fluid in the Pleural Cavity that may show Empyema.

  4. Specimen Tests

    If Pneumococcal Infection is found then Gram Stain should be done using the right Specimens including any 1 of this

  • Blood
  • Sputum
  • Pleural Fluid
  • Lung Aspirate
  • Joint Fluid
  • Bone
  • Peritoneal Fluid
  • Tissues Specimen
  • Cerebrospinal Fluid Test through Lumbar Puncture. This fluid is taken from the base of the patient’s Spine and is checked for Bacteria.

Usually the samples are taken before Antibiotic Therapy. The medication therapy should not be delayed.

Non – Invasive Infections

Laboratory tests are not taken for this type of Bacteria, unless they have very high fever or are very ill.

Preventing Pneumococcal Disease

There 90 different types of Streptococcus Pneumonia. There is no vaccine that can protect you from all these. 3 Vaccines are available in the market that can prevent this disease including PCV7, PCV10 AND PPS23.

The risk of this disease in young children can be reduced by the Vaccine known as Prevenar. This vaccine is free for infants in many countries.

Pneumovax 23 is another vaccine that can protect adults too from this disease.

Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine

Every child till the age of 2 years, receive this vaccine in their Immunization program. About 3 to 4 doses are enough for a child.

Most of the babies get their first dose at the 2 to 3 months of age. The 2nd and 3 rd dose is given with the gap of 2 to 3 months.

About 10% of children have Redness, swelling at the place of injection along with the Fever. These symptoms go away quickly.

Spread of Pneumococcal Disease

This Bacterium spreads from person to person through Respiratory droplets through Coughing or sneezing and living close to the infected people.

This disease can not spread by intake of contaminated food or Water. This Bacterium is spread through the Water and Air droplets.

People with weak Immune system have a chance that this Bacterium moves to the Lungs, Blood, Sinuses, Middle Ear or Brain.

Treatment of Pneumococcal Disease

  1. Otitis MediaIt should be treated with the Antibiotics.
  2. Bacterial PneumoniaIt should be treated with the Antibiotics.
  3. Invasive Pneumococcal Infections
    Doctors mostly give Antibiotics for this condition. In the case of mild infection, patients take oral medicines and in case of severe infection, Antibiotics are injected in to the body with the help of Syringe.

Doctors can also treat the patients with the combination of treatment’s options. The patients need to be hospitalization or intensive care by their doctors. In such conditions, they need more expensive therapy.

Despite of early treatment, this condition can still lead to complications and life threatening situations from the attack of Pneumococcal Infection.

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