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Pharyngitis: how you can protect yourself?

by Ana


Pharyngitis is very common but it is seldom serious.

pharyngitisThis disease is simply referred to as a sore throat and itchy throat caused just because of soreness of the Adam’s apple (pharynx), that is the part of the throat that lies just outside the back of the roof of the mouth and extend to the Adam’s apple (pharynx).

It usually caused when viruses or sometimes bacteria which throat absorb from a cold, flu, or infection.

In most cases pharyngitis remove on their own after three to ten days and it requires no therapy other than pain killer to relieve the discomfort. Although, tissues may swell considerably and that will cause frustrate breathing due to itchy throat.

In addition, the reason of strep throat is streptococcal bacteria and this requires antibiotics to avert complications that include rheumatic fever. It is a state in which your heart valves are permanently damage.

Diphtheria is a not very common but it can cause various bacteria of pharyngitis.

Usually there are three forms in which Pharyngitis can appear that are: nonexudative, exudative, and ulcerative:

  • Nonexudative is caused by group A streptococci. This virus is general agents of this group.
  • Exudative is caused by group A streptococcus which is very ordinary bacteria. This bacteria is also very common reason of exudative and nonexudative pharyngitis. The groups C and G of streptococci also related with exudative pharyngitis and tonsillitis.
  • Very general basis of ulcerative pharyngitis is the virus of coxsackievirus A and herpes. Vincent’s angina because of fusobacteria and poor oral cleanliness may also cause ulcerative pharyngitis that is the main reason of malaise and low-grade fever. The tonsillar ulceration is the most ordinary finding with a crust of gray necrotic.


Pharyngitis Symptoms

The symptoms that lead to throat infection are varying depending upon cold, flu and mononucleosis

Symptoms of throat infection with cold

  • headache
  • sneezing
  • low level fever usually below 102 °F

Symptoms of throat infection with flu

  • weakness
  • body pain
  • chills
  • high fever level usually higher then 102 °F

Symptoms of throat infection with mononucleosis

  • Expansion in lymph nodes in neck and armpits
  • Swollen tonsils
  • Headache
  • Loss of appetite
  • Swollen spleen
  • Inflammation of Liver
  • Difficulty in speaking

Pharyngitis Causes

Following is a list or underline condition which could possibly cause itchy throat or pharyngitis

  • Throat infections are usually caused by the virus, although few are due to bacterial infections. You can breathe in the air where bacteria or a virus are spread when someone sneezes or coughs, or you can easily transmit the organisms to your mouth or nose by touching a surface with germs on them.
  • Sinus drainage or post nasal drip can cause a sore throat.
  • Throat infection usually appearing after treatment with antibiotics, chemotherapy, or other immune compromising medications may be due to thrush.
  • A sore throat which lasting for more than two weeks can be a sign of a serious illness, such as throat cancer or AIDS.
  • If you take Breathing through the mouth it can produce throat dryness and soreness.

Pharyngitis Risk Factors

Following risk factors are included in pharyngitis

  • Close contact with the person who has throat infection or cold
  • Seasonal allergies
  • Inhale pollutant from household cleaners, automobile exhaust.
  • Smoking or second hand smoke
  • Diphtheria, mononucleosis.
  • Coughing
  • Frequent sinus infection

Pharyngitis Diagnosis

Diagnosis of pharyngitis is simply done by the examination of throat, lungs, and ears, monitoring of its appearance, and checking the neck for swollen lymph nodes. The appearance of both viral and bacterial pharyngitis is same, a throat examination is done to see either bacteria are present or not. The throat is wash with cotton and takes a sample from throat sent it to a laboratory for investigation and analysis. The result will obtain within 24 hours. The test of strep is usually performed and analyzed in the office of physician and one can get results in 15 minutes. A blood test may be completed to check for mononucleosis.

Pharyngitis Treatment

  • One should not need to go to doctor if he or she suffers from these types of symptoms like sore throat, itchy throat, throat infection or fever these can be treated simply by taking pain killers such as aspirin.
  • You can also take a glass of warm water and mix half teaspoon of garlic paste and salt in it or take antiseptic lozenges or sprays may give you temporary relief.
  • You have to take antibiotics when Pharyngitis is caused by bacteria. Antibiotics are very effective in killing bacteria but not effective for killing viruses.
  • You have to continue antibiotics for at least 10 to 14 days when strep throat is diagnosed, yet if sore throat or throat infection and other symptoms collapse, to declare that all the bacteria are removed. Or it will treat with penicillin in a single injection or over 10 days by mouth. Strep infection is very serious because it leads to rheumatic fever and damage your heart valves.
    • Pharyngitis which is occurred due to viruses goes away its own; against the viral infection no antibiotics are successful, so treatment is aimed at easing symptoms. One should avoid smoking and alcohol intake because both will irritate your throat.

  • Exposure in to toxic fumes, air pollution, or industrial chemicals caused determined pharyngitis and it is treated by reducing or removing exposure to the noxious agents.
  • It is recommended by the doctors that Children under 18 should not take aspirin as a pain killer, because the risk is rare but serious illness which is called Reye’s syndrome can occur.

Pharyngitis Preventive Care

  • Do not kissing or sharing your cups and eating utensils with anyone who has a throat infection, a cold, flu, mononucleosis, or bacterial infection.
  • Frequently wash your hands.
  • Avoid smoking, and do not exposure to second hand smoke.
  • If the air in your home is dry then its better to use a humidifier.

Most throat infection is caused by viruses or bacteria such as mouth breathing and it can be treated successfully at home. Any itchy throat that has a quick inception and fever is main reason of it so you have to take it serious and go to your doctor for proper check up. Any throat infection in which you feel difficulty in swallowing or breathing, t is serious and you have to see doctor. Any throat itchy that lasts for more than a week should be evaluated by a health care professional.

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