Home » sexual healthcare » pH Balanced RepHresh Vaginal Gel Helps Women Fight against Sensitive Issues

pH Balanced RepHresh Vaginal Gel Helps Women Fight against Sensitive Issues

by Ana

“Aurium Pharma” has introduced “RepHresh Vaginal Gel” in Canada.  It has been made to fight the vaginal odor, a subject often considered to be embarrassing.”Aurium Pharma” already enjoys reputation for outspokenness and an underlying aim to spread awareness among women about their feminine health in the US. It has been able to create a dialogue between women, the doctors and the media. This would help in bringing awareness and ease among the women who had been suffering from the embarrassing problem of vaginal odor.

The response RepHresh has been receiving clearly indicates that women are left with few options due to reluctance which women feel while discussing a sensitive subject like vaginal odor. Aurium Pharma has provided with an open public forum to discuss. Jenny says that if such forums are not available, women suffering from odor would keep thinking that there is something abnormal with them which are not true.

Nearly all the women had been found more prone to develop odor as compared to yeast infection. Sometimes it might occur seldom, however if it turns chronic, it can be a cause of deep concern.  It may disturb their marital lives.

Products introduced on similar line till now are more like for covering the odor, they do not last however RepHresh has been formulated in a way that it can combat the odor at the source. Moreover it helps to fight the odor for 3 days once it is applied. This magic product has already won hearts of thousands of women.

The effect of RepHresh lasts three days per application and the major advantage is that it acts very fast, doesn’t carry strong fragrance, and is nongreasy

As reported by most of the women in the letters written to RepHresh, they shared that feminine odor occurs mostly after the period, after douching or right after the intercourse. This cause’s hard time to a woman, so using a product like RepHresh, which can fight feminine odor, is a boon.

One of the users, Cindy shared “The first time using RepHresh, I could instantly tell my odor was gone … I feel great. Something this amazing … is a gift for all Women.”

Rest most of the users admired the product. They agreed that after the first time use during the week, odor was found to be gone. They say that RepHresh has honestly changed their lives. They found the product to be amazing.

Fiorini said that talking about such a subject like vagfinal odor needed lot of guts as most of the women felt uncomfortable till now. However they had already decided to devise the solution.

Lil’ Drug Store Products, Inc. which is a major distributing company of innovative consumer healthcare products worldwide is responsible for the production and sales. It is working in alliance with Aurium Pharma which is one of the major health solution providers making RepHresh branded products now available to women in Canada.

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