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Nurse.tv Links Health Care Professionals with Opportunities

by Ana

Travel NurseRight now, the United States suffers an acute nursing shortage. On any given day, a quarter million well-paid nursing positions go unfilled, and a million patients receive less that the high-quality care they deserve. Especially in depressed inner cities and remote rural areas, hospitals, trauma centers, and long-term care facilities remain grossly under-staffed. All licensed nurses and allied health professionals, therefore, enjoy unprecedented opportunities for resume-building experience, continuing education, and exceptionally high salaries.

If you feel ready to broaden your professional horizons, collecting bonuses and a handsome salary as you gain invaluable experience, log on to Nurse.tv, the internet’s premier “Travel Nurse” site.

Excellent pay and benefits

“Travel Nurse across America” (TNAA) hosts Nurse.tv. Both the company and the website rank among the industry’s best.

Travel Nurse across America widely praised as America’s premier travel nursing broker, wants to become “your travel nursing company.” Coordinating your placement, paychecks, perquisites, and benefits, TNAA offers more-than-competitive wages, and they arrange direct-deposit into your bank account to minimize complications as you move around the United States. More importantly, the company guarantees your pay, so that you never need to worry about cancelled shifts.

Travel Nurse across America pays all your travel expenses, including incidental costs you might not anticipate—license and transcript fees, the costs of physical exams and immunizations. You incur absolutely no out-of-pocket costs. Of course, TNAA guarantees you receive the industry’s best health care benefits from your very first day; no probationary or waiting period. TNAA even pays for your professional liability insurance.

Many travel nurse assignments come with handsome sign-on and experience bonuses; and many of the assignments include completion and extension bonuses. The company provides safe, comfortable, convenient housing, and many travel nurses qualify for tax-free per diem compensation. Travel Nurse across America also rewards loyalty: after approximately three assignments, you become eligible for a variety of perquisites few other travel nursing brokers offer.

Nurse.tv explains all of these advantages in detail and guides you through the application and screening process.

All the features you need in one convenient site

Nurse.tv details salary and benefit offers along with its detailed job descriptions and application instructions. Nurse.tv has all the features you need to find your next assignment, all on one convenient, easy-to-navigate and easy-to-use site. Find hundreds of nursing jobs listed every day, and see positions for nurses and surgical technicians updated daily in real time. Nurse.tv affords you first opportunity at recently posted positions.

You quickly and easily can apply for positions directly through Nurse.tv. Your application asks about your education, license, work history, and special qualifications; to your distinct advantage, the application also requests an honest self-evaluation of your clinical skills—a chance to show potential employers what you have done and what you can do. You easily can update your application and resume at any time.

For more personalized attention, recruiting specialists are available all day every day via Nurse.tv’s toll-free number.

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