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Mouth Blisters-Causes and Cures

by Souti

In medical jargon, mouth blisters are termed as aphthous stomatitis. These blisters are ulcer like in their formation and growth. Painfulness is one of the symptoms. But there are blisters which are free from pain. Some of the painless sores may turn out to be cancerous. Thus, at the very outset, you need to rule out such an issue.

Mouth Blister

Mouth Blister

Image Source: Wikimedia

Know their symptoms

Ulcers which are commonly known as mouth blisters may vary in their kind. The variation depends on frequency, size, shape and extent to which a particular growth has spread. Irrespective of their cause and nature of formation, it is important that you are well aware of the symptomatic conditions. Ultimately, it all boils down to embarking upon an effective mode of treatment. Thankfully, the ACA has grown a lot, making basic preventative care and treatment both convenient and affordable.

Conditions which are likely to occur

  • Apart from conditions of pain, you may come across itching as well as burning sensation
  •  Together with painfulness, swelling is also likely
  • Discomfort and pain may prevent you from opening your mouth properly
  • Similarly in the course of speaking as well as chewing, you are likely to feel the pangs of discomfort
  •  Swallowing proves to be pretty painful
  • Facial acnes, pimples are some of the other fallouts of aphthous stomatitis.

How you can treat aphthous stomatitis

  • Aphthous stomatitis is one such dermatological infection which can be reduced substantially by effective treatment over a period of one week.
  • If it stays on and causes you a lot of pain, then you might consider using an anti-microbial mouthwash or rinsing solution.
  • Your dental hygienist has a variety of dental explorer such as dental sealer and probe to scrape, poke and prod at your teeth to help them in ways which brushing can’t do.
  • This infection can easily be treated with the help of ointments and certain medicated creams.
  •  An antihistamine or an antacid solution could help as well. Milk of magnesia is also recommended for treatments pertaining to aphthous stomatitis
  • At home, you could consider rinsing your mouth with a salt water solution.
  •  You could also treat your infection by rinsing with a baking powder solution
  • You could also treat your infection by having yogurt on a daily basis or putting a wet tea bag on your wound.

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