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Minimise the effect of Skin Ageing

by Ana

The reason behind children looking similar to their parents is the genes inherited by them. We know the above fact but hardly anyone of us know that pattern of ageing is not the result of genes.

Dermatologist, Dr. Jeanine B. Downie, of the American board of Dermatology has recently discovered that the genes we inherit are not responsible for the lines and wrinkles.

According to her external factors play a very important role behind ageing which includes smoking, prolonged sunlight exposure, lack of water in the body and the stress which is very common in today’s world.

To test the reasons behind skin cancer a study was recently conducted by the Skin Cancer Foundation in America which revealed that 40% of the adults in America dint use any form of sunscreen for protection when they ventured out of their homes.

She says that while going out irrespective of the weather conditions one should use a sunscreen with at least SPF 15. This according to her should be made a priority and followed in everyday life. Use of an sunscreen would help to prevent wrinkles and minimize skin aging.

Another way which ageing can be controlled is by use of topical antioxidants. For sometime now Dr. Downie has long been working with the manufacturing department of Revaleskin and has an opinion that with an effective antioxidant massage daily along with a sunscreen could help to reduce the signs of ageing to a level. Antioxidant Revaleskin comprises of an intelligent CoffeeBerry extracts that is a very powerful antioxidant and minimizes the effects of free radicals which are responsible for skin proteins, DNA lipids and collagen. All these free radicals are considered to be the major causes for the increased ageing signs.

With the increase of age the skin looses its capacity to fight with these free radicals. Revaleskin has the capacity to fight ageing signs even at old age. This product has been clinically tested and proven that a person can actually fight skin ageing, reduce skin redness and completely alter the tone & texture of the skin.

Following all the above simple tips which can be easily implemented in our daily lives we could fight the signs of ageing and take care of our skin in an efficient manner. To know more on Revaléskin, visit www.revaleskin.com

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