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Metallic Taste in Mouth – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

by Ana

Metallic taste indicates an Acidic or Sour flavor experienced in mouth. It is an uncomfortable medical condition.

What is Metallic Taste in Mouth?

It is bitter taste experienced by the Tongue. This unclear taste sensation is also known as Dsygeusia. This is an uncommon condition which is experienced by many people.

Causes of Metallic Taste in Mouth

This condition can be caused due to many factors. These factors may include Antidepressants, Prenatal Vitamins and Antibiotics.

Some other causes of Metallic taste in Mouth are

  • Jaundice
  • Heartburn
    The myth of the tongue map; that 1 tastes bitter, 2 tastes sour, 3 tastes salt, and 4 tastes sweet.

    The myth of the tongue map; that 1 tastes bitter, 2 tastes sour, 3 tastes salt, and 4 tastes sweet.

    Source by : wikimedia

  • Postnasal Drip
  • Lead Poisoning
  • Gastritis
  • Mercury Poisoning
  • Iodine Intoxication
  • Selenium Overuse
  • Pyrosis
  • Lichen Planus
  • Scombrotoxic Fish Poisoning
  • Estrogen Imbalance
  • Gastro – esophageal Reflux Disease
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections

Dental Causes

Following Dental conditions can also be a cause of this disease

  • Abscess
  • Bleeding Gums
  • Poor Oral Hygiene
  • Oral Infections
  • Periodontitis
  • Gingivitis

Other Causes

Dehydration can also cause Metallic taste in Mouth. Lack of fluids can also make an individual suffer from this condition.

Foods can cause Metallic Taste in Mouth. Rotten Fish or Rotten Seafood can also cause to Aquatic food Intoxication which can ultimately result in this disease.

Symptoms of Metallic Taste in Mouth

There are no such symptoms of Metallic taste in Mouth because this condition itself is caused due to other diseases.

This condition is identified as Bitter, Acrid taste in Mouth. This condition leads to the loss of Appetite.

Metallic Taste in Mouth and Pregnancy

Dysgeusia is a common condition in Pregnancy. This condition arises in the first trimester of Pregnancy. The body goes through many changes during Pregnancy.

The Dysgeusia is caused due to imbalance of Hormones such as Estrogen. Estrogen controls the sense of taste in humans. Variations in these hormones cause the Metallic taste in Mouth during the early Pregnancy.

The sense of Taste is linked with the sense of smell. The Physical changes during Pregnancy can change the sense of smell.

This has the direct effect on the sense of taste and it leads to the Metallic taste in Mouth in Pregnancy.

Doctor says that Prenatal Vitamins may be responsible for this situation. Prenatal Vitamins have Metallic taste and women taking it first time are likely to suffer from Metallic Mouth in Pregnancy. It can be cured by taking Vitamins with Food.

Intake of Antibiotics during Pregnancy can lead to Metallic Mouth. Stopping these medicines will help to change this awkward feeling. There are many cases when the medications cannot be stopped. Women have to take these Antibiotics in order to avoid the sickness.

Many experts say that Metallic taste comes from Toxins produced in Lymph Glands of body to secure the Fetus during Pregnancy.

Good toothpaste, Breath Mints, Chewing Gums and Mouthwash can help to avoid the constant Metallic sensation in Mouth.

Metallic Taste in Mouth Cancer

Persistent Metallic flavor in Mouth sometimes result in an Oral Cancer. This condition can also occur from disorders affecting Mouth Cavity.

Treatment of Metallic Taste in Mouth

The treatment of Metallic Taste in Mouth includes

  1. Mouthwash

    Rinse your Oral Cavity with Mouthwash. It is good in giving temporary break from Bitter taste sensation.

  2. Zinc Supplement Pill

    Take a Zinc Supplement Pill every day. Zinc enhances the natural Immune system of the body and helps in the development of new cells. This will help to get rid of the acrid flavor in Mouth.

Home Remedies for Metallic Taste in Mouth

This condition can be cured in the following ways

  1. Dental Floss

    Floss your Dental Cavity every day. This is one of the most effective ways to avoid Dysgeusia occurring from Dental problems.

  2. Warm Water Wash

    Rinse the Mouth with warm Water. Warm Water helps to kill the finish the Bitter sensation and fight with the Germs.

  3. Turmeric

    Take a bit of Turmeric 3 times a day regularly. It will help to reduce the symptoms of Gastritis like Metallic Taste.

  4. Salt-Soda Wash

    Pour few drops of Water on your toothbrush and make it wet. Put a Teaspoon of Baking Soda and half teaspoon of Salt. Now brush your Teeth with this mixture, it will help to get rid of Metallic Mouth flavor.

Metallic Taste and Dizziness

Eating foods rich in Copper can also be the reason of Metallic Taste. Excess Copper in body can caused Toxicity due to the Minerals. Minor excess of Copper can make you suffer from Dizziness and Metallic flavor in Mouth.

Metallic Taste in Mouth after Running

Many people suffer from this condition after performing exercises like running. It happens due to the expansion of Blood Cells during Exercise. Blood flows in to areas like back of Mouth. The presence of Iron in Blood makes the Tongue to experience Metallic taste.

Metallic Taste in Mouth from Medications

In many people drugs are responsible for the Metallic taste in Mouth. These drugs are

  1. Antibiotics

    Antibiotics like Tetracycline, Clarithromycin, Metronidazole and Rifampin are used for curing the diseases like Tuberculosis and Skin Infection. they are responsible for this condition.

  2. Thyroid Medications

    Anti-Thyroid drugs and Diuretics are used for the cure of Thyroid diseases. These drugs are also used to treat Metallic flavor.

  3. Captopril

    It is medicine that is used to treat the Hypertension, this is common cause for this condition.

  4. Chemotherapy Drugs

    Drugs used for the treatment of Cancer like Vincristine, Vinblastine, Dacarbazine and Procarbazine plays an important role in Cancer patients experiencing Metallic taste in Mouth.

Metallic taste in Mouth and Menopause

Menopause can cause major imbalance of Hormones in the body. Changes in Progesterone Hormones levels can lead to this condition. Women suffering from Menopause, especially Perimenopause are likely to have this disorder.

Metallic Taste in Mouth and Diabetes

Diabetes is a major reason for Metallic taste in Mouth. The medicines taken by the Patients suffering from this disease can give rise to many side effects. Metallic taste in Mouth is the common symptom of this disorder. The Metallic flavor is also accompanied with the symptoms like Nausea, Weight gain and Skin rashes.

Metallic Taste in Mouth and Thyroid Disease

Some Women suffering from Thyroid disease develop this disorder known as the Burning Mouth Syndrome. This condition can cause the burning sensation in Lips and Tongue. If these symptoms are accompanied with the Bitter taste in Mouth, this Metallic taste can be treated with the Medicines. Sometimes, the medicines that are used for Thyroid conditions like Methomazole and Carbimazole can also cause the Metallic flavor in Mouth instead of curing this condition.

Metallic Taste in Mouth and Nausea

Many people complain about Nausea along with the sensation of Metallic taste in Mouth. This happens when an individual suffers from Copper Toxicity. Copper Toxicity is caused due to the consumption of foods that are rich in Minerals.

Some of the Copper-rich foods are

  • Liver
  • Oysters
  • Sesame Seeds
  • Cocoa Powder
  • Nuts
  • Lobsters
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Squash Seeds
  • Roasted Pumpkins
  • Sundried Tomatoes
  • Herbs like Basil, Parsley, Savory, Thyme and Oregano.

Metallic Taste in Mouth and Gastritis

Gastritis is a condition that cause Metallic flavor in Mouth. Gastritis and Heartburn leads to Bitter taste in Oral Cavity.  If H.Pylori Bacterium is the cause of this disease, the fruits like Apples, Cranberries, Onions, Garlic and Celery can help to treat this condition.

Metallic Taste in Mouth and Ketosis

Ketosis is a condition that can lead to a rise in the amount of Ketone compounds in the Blood as it happens in the case of Diabetes Mellitus. Metallic flavor in Mouth can be caused due to the condition of Ketosis. Ketosis occurs due to High amount of Iron in the Blood. The amount of Iron is increased in the Blood due to the more consumption of Meat.

The Metallic taste in Mouth is curable if the causes are properly diagnosed and treated well. If you are suffering from this condition, make sure that are in touch with a doctor for a proper Medical treatment. It will help you to cure in time.

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