Home » How To Live Happily With A Swallowing Disorder

How To Live Happily With A Swallowing Disorder

by Souti

Something we should value more highly is our health. This is largely because not everybody is so lucky to be 100% well, all of the time. If you are in the unfortunate position of suffering from a swallowing disorder, then please accept our condolences. Luckily, there are still ways to lead a happy life, even if you are struggling with dysphagia. Read on to see our helpful tips for keeping you happy.

Surround Yourself With Family & Friends

One of the best things in life is being able to share it all with your family and friends. Doing so could help distract you from the inconveniences of a swallowing disorder. So, don’t let your dysphagia make you shy around those closest to you, open up and share your experiences with them. In return, you’ll get to hear about all the finer details of their lives, too. Scientists are exploring a potential link between mobile phone us and mouth cancer (one of the causes of dysphagia). So with that in mind, it might be worth putting your phone down, and instead having a conversation with somebody who truly cares about you.

Image Credit: kathryn

Image Credit: kathryn

Simplify Your Life

We know how tough living with dysphagia can be, but it doesn’t have to ruin the sanctity of your life. You can still be happy and enjoy your favourite foods and drinks within reason. It may seem very overwhelming to have to switch things up to a fully dysphagia diet upon diagnosis. However, there are a number of companies out there making great solutions for people just like you. Make life simple again by buying your food and drink products from a company who are devoted to helping those with swallowing conditions. There are lots of businesses that create special drinks, for example, that are all to help with swallowing. You could still enjoy life’s simple pleasures, such as a glass of apple juice – just in a more thickened version, making it easier to swallow for you. There are solutions out there. So, it is your choice whether to take advantage of them to simplify your life and allow you to live happily.

Follow These Tips

There are a few more little things you can be doing to help with a life of dysphagia. Firstly, try to position yourself at a right angle whenever eating, tilting your head slightly forward. This will massively aid your swallowing and digestion. As a matter of fact, following your meal, you should aim to stay upright or standing for at least a quarter of an hour following eating. Again, eat slowly and concentrate solely on the task at hand. You’ll soon get the hang of it and meal times won’t be such a struggle! Finally, stay on top of your saliva management by drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day. You can also suck on things such as ice lollies to increase the production of saliva within your mouth.

Hopefully, if you are somebody suffering from dysphagia, then this post has helped you out greatly. Everybody deserves to lead a happy life, so don’t let your condition stop you from doing that. All the best!

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