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How to protect your kidneys

by Souti

Kidney is one of the most vital organs of the human body. Its responsible for several activities in our body, so healthy kidney is necessary for our well-being. There are several ways available to maintain proper functioning of the kidney; we just need to follow them religiously.

•    Excess weight can result in disorders of the kidney. So keep track of your body weight. Regular exercise & controlled diet can give you some effective results.

•    To maintain your healthy kidney you need to keep yourself hydrated, especially in extreme summer days.

•    Hypertension causes high blood pressure and can also lead to end stage renal diseases. So maintaining your blood pressure level is also very important in preventing heart failures, strokes etc.

•    Very often diabetes can result in end stage renal diseases, which is the ultimate stage of the chronic kidney disease. So try to control your blood sugar level to make your kidney functional.

•    Regular check up is necessary to trace out your physical condition, so never ever skip your check-up; it can even create risks for your life.

•    Sometimes various medicines can cause the kidney disorder. So if you find out something is wrong after taking certain medicines consult your physician immediately.

•    Balanced-diet is also necessary to maintain the kidney health; you can consult a professional for the proper guidance.

•    For your total well-being controlling cholesterol level is very important. High level of cholesterol can lead to kidney disorders as well as heart ailments.

•    Regular uses of tobacco products or smoking can increase the chances of chronic kidney disease, so quitting smoking is always necessary for the health of your kidney as well as for your total well being.

•    For the proper guidance you can also consult with a professional kidney specialist.

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1 comment

pratiksha August 13, 2012 - 5:27 am

I want justi to take opinion whether due to sugar my kidneys started damaging or what is the stage of kidney

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