Home » Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivors Likely to Develop Stomach Cancer Says NIH Study

Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivors Likely to Develop Stomach Cancer Says NIH Study

by Shilpa

Researchers are always looking out for better ways to treat major health problems like cancer. According to the new study by scientists at the National Cancer Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health patients that had Hodgkin lymphoma and who had certain radiation and chemotherapy regimens were at the risk of developing stomach cancer. Scientists that have worked on the study have mentioned more about their research in the Journal of Clinical Oncology for the readers. The research claims that Hodgkin lymphoma is a cancer that develops from the immune system and it remains one of the common cancers found in young adults in the United States. The treatment involves various kinds of chemotherapy and radiotherapy regimens that can actually help the patients to get better.

Stomach Cancer

by TipsTimes

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The report provided by NCI’s Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results Program indicate that the chemotherapies and radiation has helped medical experts to reduce the death rate in the cases of Hodgkin lymphoma and the report claims that the survival rates has gone up from 72% in the year 1975-77 to 88% in the year 2003-2009. While the cure rate is high, the studies also point out that there are high chances of developing secondary malignancies which can again affect the health.

The research report highlights the fact that many patients that have been cured of Hodgkin lymphoma have developed other cancers like breast cancer, lung cancer and even stomach cancer. The report also focuses on the number of patients that have developed stomach cancer from the year 1953 to 2003. The report claims that out of 17,477 Hodgkin lymphoma cases that have been examined for the research there have been 89 survivors that later developed stomach cancer. The report also compares survivors that developed stomach cancer with those who did not developed stomach cancer and found that increasing doses of radiation to the stomach have led to the problem.

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