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Health Tips to Prevent Hearing Loss

by Ana

The world has got very noisy nowadays and this noisy world though seems pretty enjoyment but just be careful, this noise may take the beautiful gift of God from you and that is hearing.

prevent-hearing-lossAccording to some estimate 80% of Americans older than 60 have some sort of hearing problems so what is the reason? I am sure majority of you are ware that loud noise spoils the hearing but still you are not ready to leave your iPod or Mp3 player.

I must tell you that there are hundreds of researches and studies that have shown that consistent exposure to loud sounds spoils the hearing completely so think about cutting short the usage of high volume devices otherwise prepare yourself for a deaf future.

Here I am going to give some useful tips that will help you in getting the factor of entertainment fulfilled in your life along with the full and healthy maintenance of your hearing ability.

  • First of all you must have to be conscious about the volume of sound which you are listening, especially when you are using headphones because in that case the intensity of sound going in your ears is more intense. You must understand that only the loudest sound can’t give the maximum entertainment, slowing it a bit low won’t affect the entertainment but will leave a positive effect on hearing.
  • When you are listening to the loud noises then a break for sometime is very important, don’t be very consistent while listening to the louder noises. This thing has been proven that the length of time you are exposed to the louder sound is as significant as the volume of noise so try to avoid the longer listening of loud sound.


  • If you are experiencing a little weakness in your hearing ability then immediately consult your doctor because your delay can make this problem more intense and a day can bring complete deafness for you.
  • You should also consult your doctor if you are hearing loud noises on the daily basis for example if you work in a factory or on the air port. These louder noises can spoil the hearing ability that’s why you must ask the doctor to suggest some protections for you.
  • If you are suffering from genetic hearing loss still you don’t have to worry about it, there are many treatments for it, just consult your doctor and you’ll surely find a solution.

These were some suggestions for you that will help you protecting yourself from hearing loss, just follow them if you want to have the natural hearing ability throughout your life.

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