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Fast Food Can Make Us Dumb? A Question Now Answered.

by Ana

Fast Food

Now a day’s life has become so busy that we don’t have time to take proper diet and the diet has subjected to fast food only. And I think in today’s ages of inconvenience there is no need for the introduction of fast food everyone from a child to the older peoples; everyone is just addicted to fast foods. And this attitude of peoples is also not strange as the fast foods are very delicious, filling, instantly available and affordable but the need of hour is that we should get oversell aware of the effects of these foods on us.

The researchers of Oxford university have made a very significant research related to the effects of fast foods and it has been found out that the over consumption of fast foods can badly effect our mental capabilities and eventually can make us dumb. The high fat foods like burgers, kebabs and chips badly effects the neurons of our brain which results in decreased short term memory and bad mental capacity. Thus one should have to be serious about his diet as after this research no one would consciously go on the path which ends in the bad mental workings.

The research was basically performed on a group of rats and they have been tested for a couple f days. The group was divided into two groups and one of them was given high fat food and the other one low fat food. It was observed by the biologists that the effect of high fat food seems to appear after some days of consecutive eating of high fats. The rats that were given the high fat food were observed to be slower in their activities than those which were given low fat food. It was observed that the high fat food raises 55 % of calories in the body which were slowing down the daily activities of rats and the other group only constitutes about 7.9% of calories in their body and resultantly they were pretty faster than the other group.

According to one of the scientist Andrew Murraywestern diets have high levels of fat, which has been linked the development of obesity, diabetes and heart failures in the long-run”. So it’s very necessary that people get their self aware of the drastic effects of fatty food and on their level decide to decrease their daily fast food consumption and this is the only way which can ensure a healthy and mentally strong life in future.

Just think of it for a minute if this much effect can be seen on rats how much effect would be adopted by your mind without your mental consciousness. I am not saying to completely leave the fast food and take the nutritious food only; just cut short the consumption of fast food and get yourself successful in every field of life. If you love yourself and are ambitious about the plans of your life then you should seriously think to decrease the eating of fast food otherwise wait for yourself to be completely dumb and weak in the mental activities.

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1 comment

Vitamins Deficiency » Fast Food Can Make Us Dumb? A Question Now Answered. December 29, 2009 - 4:41 am

[…] Source: editor […]

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