Home » Extreme Workouts: Take Your FItness To The Next Level

Extreme Workouts: Take Your FItness To The Next Level

by Souti

OK, so let’s assume that you started a fitness plan a while ago, and you have been steadily improving things. You might go for the odd light jog around the park, or maybe even do the occasional push up once in awhile. That’s great – but you aren’t pushing yourself.

To make a real difference to your fitness levels, you have to push yourself harder. And, that doesn’t mean going for longer jogs. In fact, once you get to a certain stage, jogging isn’t much cop at all. If you are comfortable while running, you aren’t doing enough. Here are several workouts that will push you and get you super fit, as well as burning off more calories.Go boxing

If you want to burn your fat and make yourself super fit, then boxing is a great hobby to take up. It pushes every last inch of your body, and will take you to places you didn’t realise you would ever get to. You should start with cardio and rope exercises, before beginning to shadow box. Once you have your technique sorted, then you can start pummeling that punchbag. If you want, you can then start sparring – but this is optional, of course.

Image By: CrossFit Fever Games

Image By: CrossFit Fever Games


High-intensity interval training – or HIIT – is all about doing as much as possible in a short space of time. It’s the perfect option for busy people, although; be warned. You should only attempt HIIT if you already have reasonable levels of fitness. It will push your body to extremes, but it gives you more benefits in ten minutes than jogging for 1-1.5 hours. Take a look around your local neighborhood and see if there are any trainers that can help you out.


Crossfit is similar to HIIT in that it involves a lot of work in a short space of time. It pushes all areas of your body and uses all kinds of equipment. A typical routine lasts for twenty minutes or less. You will get through dumbbells, barbells, pull-up bars and medicine balls amongst others. Check out 5280 CrossFit for a closer look at what to expect, and have a look around your local area for a trainer. If you want to push yourself to extreme fitness, then CrossFit is your perfect partner.


If the above workouts are too much for you, then why not try something a little more fun? Zumba classes – and dancing in general – are a great way to exercise and firm up without the sheer pain of a gym workout. It’s an excellent exercise for improving your cardio, and if you concentrate on tightening your core, it can also remove any stubborn belly fat. Plus, of course, you will be able to show off a lot better when you hit the dance floor at your local club over the weekend!

I hope you got something out of this post. Don’t forget, the fitter you get, the more you will be able to take on. You might be comfortable going for your jogs in the park, but if you want to make more of a difference, then these exercise ideas will help you get there. Good luck!


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