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Debut Lipofirm, a Complement to Aesthetic Medicine

by Ana

“MedSurge Advances” has announced the availability of “Debut LipoFirm”, soon going to be displayed at the ASLMS Annual Conference in Kissimmee, FL. This can be simply seen as a breakthrough in the field of aesthetic medicine practice. This is a new ‘Laser Lipolysis Technology (LLT)’ designed for reducing fat selectively and tightening the skin.

“MedSurge Advances” is one of the top companies in health, providing aesthetic medicine products and services to physicians and it is one of the fastest growing private companies in America.

“LipoFirm” which is a newly distributed and marketed by MedSurge Advances makes use of ‘semi-conductor (diode) laser system’. It is manufactured by Osyris of Lille, France at the Lille University Hospital. A unique mathematical modeling approach has been utilized to develop this.

LipoFirm 980nm is a laser lipolysis device exclusively designed to disrupt adipocytes. It utilizes a controlled thermal effect for producing this disorder effect. This laser effect not only results in turning the fat into liquid but also causes skin retraction or tightening. So, this procedure emerges as an ideal method for administering treatment focused on the localized areas of fat. It can be easily used in combination with the conventional liposuction treatment under the circumstances of skin laxity being a challenge.

It can be effectively used to reduce fat deposits in the chin area, calf, knees, ankle, lower back and lower abdomen and back of arms.

Among the various benefits, one is that the patented 1 mm cannula brings out perfectly uniform results and requires the patients to go through only local tumescent anesthesia. Since it is a completely non surgical treatment which requires no incision and delivers results without bringing any discomfort to the patients, it can be simply seen as a perfect match to traditional liposuction. The best part is that it involves very less downtime.

The LipoFirm laser brings in use a 600 micron fiber. Since it is a thicker fiber, it results in reducing the danger of breakage to a considerable extent and consequentally physicians come across fewer procedural interruptions. In addition to this, the procedure also uses an integrated thermal imaging system. This imaging system provides an improved image of the tissue to the physicians during the course of performing procedures.

It has also integrated an auto-regulation temperature control which helps in preventing overheating of patient tissue during the treatment.

‘Smart Card Technology’ is an intrinsic part of this procedure. Physicians can switch over to additional procedures by simply changing the smart card and handpiece which provides a platform to physicians to upgrade easily. For an instance, during the procedure is on, the same laser system can easily switch from laser lipolysis to exovenous and endovenous treatments which are used to remove blue leg veins and great saphenous veins respectively.

The whole system can be easily transported as the 980 nm semi-conductor (diode) laser weighs only 15 kg and has a ten-year lifetime.

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1 comment

cecord_help July 4, 2010 - 7:03 am

where i can get this medicine debut lipofirm

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