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Comes April and A Tick Season- Measures to Prevent Lyme Disease

by Ana

Debbie Siciliano says “Ticks are most active in the spring and early summer, although Lyme disease is a year round problem”.”Lyme Disease” is caused by ticks that are carriers of bacteria causes this disease and April is the season of tick season. Most people would like to spend their time outdoors during spring season despite of the threat caused by disease spreading parasites.

Ticks that cause the Lyme disease are often found in private gardens and backyards that are places where the people want to spend most of their time during spring season. The first research about the chronic Lyme disease was done by the education and advocacy network and affiliate of the Lyme diseases association that together have gifted the “Lyme and Tick Borne Diseases Research Center” at Columbia University Medical in New York City.

Although the troublesome areas are Northeastern, Great Lakes and Pacific Northwest areas every state has cases of Lyme disease. According to Siliciano a person is more likely to get affected with tick, if the person is spending the vacation or life in these aforementioned places. If a person likes to trek wooded or grassy areas where the ticks prosper, they are most likely to affect with Lyme disease.

Some of the measures to be taken to prevent Lyme disease are:

Using Pesticides

A big reduction in the population of ticks can be caused by using the pesticide called “acaricide”. According to the ‘Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’, the tick populations can be reduced by 68 to 100% with a single and proper application of this pesticide. The legal use of pesticide is determined by the ‘Environmental Protection Agency’ and individual states. About the best time for the use of “acaricide”, consult with local health officials and authorities. To apply the pesticide around the home to reduce tick population, a professional can be hired.

Expel the Bugs

Ticks live in humid and wooded areas but won’t survive in sunny and dry areas. Clear away leaf litter, prune the trees and shrubs, brush and tall grass and let the lawn dry between watering to keep them away from home. To prevent the ticks from moving in put down a strip of wood chips or gravel between lawns and wooded areas.

Keep Away Deer

Siliciano says that deer carries adult female ticks which will fall off from their body and lay thousands of eggs on land. So feed the deer with in the property and make a fence to keep the deer away from the yard. Before the deer get attracted, get rid of the bird feeders or be sure to clean up the spilled bird feeds and also can add deer resistant plants in the garden.

Control the Mice

Control the mice also because the ticks are likely to settle on mice and other rodents. Bait boxes and ‘acaricide’ that destroys mice reduces ticks around home by 50%.

Protect the Pets from Ticks

Pets like Cats and Dogs will bring ticks to home. Use tick repellants on them.

Store Insecticides

Stock tick repellants and insecticides that can be used on clothes and skin.

‘Time for Lyme’ organization is also working for the elimination of the harmful effects caused by Lyme disease and other tick borne diseases.

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