Home » adult bedwetting » Causes of Adult Bedwetting

Causes of Adult Bedwetting

by Souti


A normal adult individual releases almost about 1200-1500 ml urine in a whole day. Sometimes it changes according their sweat ingestion, diarrhea, and liquid consumption etc. Several ailments are linked with urgency, frequency etc.

•    For increasing fluid in your body ADH hormone is also quite responsible. It controls the ejection of water through kidney. It discharges from the pituitary gland.

•    People who are under medication of diuretics can also suffer from the problem. Consuming diuretic also helps you to avert heart disorders by increasing voiding.

•    As people grow old, it reduces their muscle mass as well as the neurological circuitry get thicken, which leads to difficulties in moving fast. Growing age can also damage their parasympathetic system. So bedwetting among old people is not that uncommon.

•    Sometimes psychological stress plays the main role. In such condition you need some professional guidance.

•    Consumption of excessive fluid before sleeping can instigate the problem. You also need to avoid ingesting tea or coffee before going to bed. These are diuretics & are able to increase the urge. Alcohol can make the situation worse, so you need to avoid alcohol too.

•    In the urinary track (lower) some obstacles like tumour or inflammation can also be a cause of unusual pressure. Sometimes urinary tract infection can also instigate the bedwetting.

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Vitamins Deficiency » Causes of Adult Bedwetting December 8, 2009 - 7:55 am

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