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Calcium may Decrease Cancer Risk in Elderly

by Ana

A huge research on the older men and women supports the evidence that calcium rich diets may keep away some cancers. The study is less precise than those had been done in the past. Because of its large number of subjects, it presents strong verification of the concept that to some extent calcium keeps the cells away from becoming cancerous.

This study also strengthens the previous idea of advantages of calcium received from food are a lot more than which is taken in the form of calcium tablets. Calcium supplements only help to protect againstcolon cancer in men while in women it reduces the risk of liver cancer.


Men who received higher amounts of calcium from food had 30% lower risk of getting esophagus cancer; similarly they had 20% lower risk for neck and head cancer than those who consumed lower calcium amounts.

In women, who used calcium rich diet had 28% lower risk of developing colon cancer than those consumed low calcium diet.

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