Home » blood pressure » Brain Hemorrhage Outcomes May Improve by Lowering Blood Pressure

Brain Hemorrhage Outcomes May Improve by Lowering Blood Pressure

by Ana

According to a pilot study, Intravenous treatment to greatly lower the blood pressure of people who’ve just undergone hemorrhage in the brain may improve their prognosis.

Bleeding in skull often causes a quick climb in blood pressure, which may give further bleeding and the growth of the hematoma (a region of inner bleeding). The background information in the study suggests that it can cause the patient’s condition to get worse and enhance the risk of disability or loss of life.

To lower very high blood pressure as soon as possible in patients, with intracranial hemorrhage, is recommended but there is little support on when to start treatment or how much to lower blood pressure. This takes to wide dissimilarity in managing of high blood pressure in these patients.
These studies compared sever blood-pressure lowering treatment (target systolic blood pressure 140mm Hg) in 203 patients to the suggested best practice standard tactic (target systolic blood pressure 180 mm Hg) in 201 patients.

Brain scans carried out 24 hours after the beginning of treatment showed hematoma growth of 13.7 percent in the intensive treatment group, compared with 36.6 percent in the non-intensive group.

After 90 days, there were no differences between the two groups in terms of harmful side effects, death rates and disability, or quality of life for survivors. In the two groups no difference was found in harmful side effects, rates of death and disability, or quality of life of survivors after 90days The researchers are planning, to assess how the intensive blood pressure-lowering treatment affects death and dependency in 2,800 intracranial bleeding patients worldwide, in the next phase of the trial.

In an additional statement, Dr. Mustapha Ezzeddine, of the University of Minnesota, stated that the study provides the best evidence to date of the safety of this kind of treatment.

However, many such questions as Do the results apply to other stroke patients, How early and how long should blood pressure be controlled, and Do different drugs have different effects are still to answer.Ezzeddine is of the view that the follow-up studies will answer some of these questions and, more significantly, to find any effect on outcomes.

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