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Acne Skincare Regime

by Ana

You would be surprised to know that most acne problems are caused by bad eating habits. That is why you need to eat well – incorporate lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet.

acne-skincare-regimeAlso be sure to increase your intake of zinc, selenium, Vitamin A and Vitamin E, as these go a long way in curing your acne problems. Any acne and skin care treatment regime is incomplete without proper cleansing – use a good cleanser agent on your face, preferably one that is soap-free. Try to avoid using harsh products on your skin.

Many people like to try a mild detoxification diet to reduce their acne – this involves avoiding the foods which aggravate or cause the acne. However, before going for such a detoxification diet, it is very important to first consult your dietician.

Never use alcohol in your skin, for any homemade acne treatment. This not only dries out the skin but also kills the good bacteria. So it is more advisable to wash your face thoroughly at least three times a day, with a mild and gentle soap. Try not to touch you face with your hands in between these times – this will decrease the level of oiliness in your skin.

One of the most effective acne and skin care treatments involves an oatmeal mask – this is very effective because it absorbs the oil on your face into the oatmeal, as it dries. Make a regular paste with oatmeal and water – apply this to your face and leave on for 20 minutes or so, till it dries. Wash your face with cold water and remove the paste. This procedure should be followed at least twice a day.

Another natural remedy for acne and skin care treatment involves rubbing lemon juice on the skin – this is a very effective method as the acid in the lemon attacks the acne-causing bacteria. In fact, if you use the lemon appropriately, it is also more effective than alcohol. Lemon juice also contains Vitamin C, which is beneficial for your skin.

So don’t neglect your acne, start fighting it today with these good tips. Such is the same advice of the new face of Proactiv, Justin Bieber. So, Justin Bieber is Proactiv finally and this has helped Proactiv to find a new audience for all acne related problems.

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