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Achalasia – Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Surgery

by Ana

Do you feel difficulty in swallowing food items and liquids? Do you suffer from Chest Pain or suffering from loss of body weight? Do check if the underlying cause is Achalasia.

Read this article, you will get to know about the causes, symptoms, treatment, and surgery of Achalasia.

Definition of Achalasia

The term Achalasia means “Failure to Relax”. Achalasia is a medical condition in which there is an improper functioning of Esophagus or the tube-like structures that carries food from Mouth to the Stomach.

This disease is also known as Esophageal Achalasia, Esophageal Aperistalsis, Cardiospasm and Achalasia Cardiae.

This is a highly discomforting condition but it is classified as a rare disease by the ORD (Office of Rare Diseases). This disease affects about 200,000 people in the United States.

Pronunciation of Achalasia

Achalasia is pronounced as “Ak-ay-laa-zhi-aa”.

Abnormal Functioning of Achalasia

This disease refers to the inability of the Lower Esophagus Sphincter to relax and allow the food to the Stomach.
In many patients the, lower Sphincter resting pressure is very high which is an abnormal condition. The muscles of Esophagus do not contract normally due to this the saliva and food is not sent down in the stomach through Esophagus.

Sometimes the patients of the Achalasia feel high-pressure in the lower Esophagus while swallowing but these high-pressure waves are not effective in pushing the food into the Stomach.

These patients are said to have the Vigorous Achalasia.

The abnormalities of lower Sphincter and Esophagus are believed to be responsible for sticking food into Esophagus.

Symptoms of Achalasia

Here are some important symptoms of this disease:

  1. Vomiting

    People suffering from this disease vomit when they eat something because of the defective functioning of Esophagus. What they eat does not stay in the Stomach and is vomited out.

  2. Regurgitation

    The Acid and the Digested food from Stomach flows back into the Esophagus. The patient may feel discomfort due to this situation.

  3. Chest Pain

    A patient may have Chest Pain due to this disease.

  4. Heartburn

    A patient may have a burning sensation of the chest. This burning sensation is mostly due to the change in the level of Stomach’s Acids.

  5. Cough

    The patients of Achalasia often have a cough during eating. This is due to the fact that muscles of Esophagus fail to relax.

  6. Weight Loss

    The patients of Achalasia feel difficulty in swallowing the food and Water; this causes an unintentional body’s weight loss. This symptom is a most common symptom among the Achalasia’s patients. Patients may feel heavy after eating something.The symptoms may lead to Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease.

Causes of Achalasia

The doctors and Medical researchers have found some causes of Achalasia, which are as follows

  1. The main reason for Achalasia is the failure of the Sphincter muscle to properly relax where Sphincter is a muscular ring that located at the junction of Stomach and Esophagus. This ring relaxes while swallowing and it allows the food and Water to pass in to the Stomach. It remains contracted otherwise, it prevents the digested food and Stomach Acids from flowing back into the Esophagus.
  2. Different types of Cancer, Trauma to Esophageal Nerves and many other Parasitic Infections can cause Achalasia.

Hereditary Achalasia

Sometimes Achalasia is also caused due to the Genetic reasons. Some Genes in the Human Body increase the chances of this disease.

Complications of Achalasia

The complications of Achalasia include

  • Esophagitis

Achalasia can give rise to many complications if it is not treated in time. These complications may include backflow of food and acid into the Esophagus. If the food items enter into the Lungs, it can be a cause of Pneumonia. Sometimes a tear may occur in the Esophagus too.

Diagnosis of Achalasia

The Achalasia is diagnosed by the tests like Esophageal Manometry and Barium Swallow.

Endoscopy is also done to check the internal tissues of Esophagus. It gives us indications about the Cancerous conditions.

Differential Diagnosis of Achalasia

The differential diagnosis distinguishes the condition from other disorders that have same symptoms like Hiatus Hernia, Psychosomatic Disorders, and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.

Treatment of Achalasia

The main aim of the Achalasia treatment is to relax the Esophageal Sphincter muscle that makes the process of swallowing easier. The treatment of Achalasia is composed of medications and as well as surgery. The Surgery of Achalasia may yield the Permanent cure for this disease.

Medications for Achalasia

The medicines for Achalasia include Botulinum Toxin and Calcium Channel Blockers.

The oral medicines that help to relax the Lower Esophageal Sphincter include Nitrates in it. These medicines are Isosorbide, Dinitrate, and Isordil.

Calcium Channel Blockers are the effective medication for the Achalasia because it reduces the Muscular Contractions.

The medicines for Calcium Channel Blockers may include Nifedipine, Procardia, and Verapamil etc.

Injecting Botox into the Sphincter is also effective as it prevents the strong contractions of Sphincter.

These medications do not give the permanent relief from this disease because patients develop resistance to these drugs for few months.

Botox has few side effects. The functioning of Botox should be checked after every 6 months. It can also lead to scarring of muscles. It can lead to complications too.

Surgery of Achalasia

The Achalasia surgery is also known as Esophagomytomy or Heller’s Myotomy. It is considered to the permanent treatment of this disease.

The purpose of this operation is to reduce the pressure in the lower sphincter muscles.

A cut is made on the Sphincter muscle that let it relax and makes the normal swallowing possible.

The Achalasia patients should be good in health because this operation puts a lot of stress on the patients so the patients have to be physically fit for the surgery, as it is entirely different from the surgery like cosmetic surgery or plastic surgery.

Natural Remedies for Achalasia

The natural remedies give a temporary relief from this disorder. Some effective natural remedies for Achalasia are:

Barley Grass

The barley grass is alkaline in nature so it helps to decrease the acidity of the stomach. This herb will give relief from Heartburn as well.

Use of the Barley Grass is good for the patients of Achalasia.

Mastic Gum

It is made up of tree known as Pistacia Lentiscus. It is used for the treatment of digestive diseases. It is effective in treating diseases like Ulcer, Acid Reflux and Heartburn.

Pickle Juice

Pickle juice is available at almost every home. The people who suffers from Acid Reflux or Acid Flow Back, they should take Pickle Juice it will give them relief from the symptoms.

Recovery of Achalasia

The Achalasia recovers both after the surgical and the non- surgical treatment. The medical treatment for this disease is not long-lasting. The surgical treatment gives a long term relief from the symptoms.

Sometimes more than 1 treatment is needed to cure the disease.

The Achalasia may recover with a good treatment. If anyone in your family is suffering from difficulties in swallowing, do not delay this condition. Get an immediate test and start treatment in the case of being diagnosed with Achalasia.
The timely treatment can save an individual from future complications and rest of other linked diseases.

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