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A few pointers for detecting meningitis early

by Souti

Meningitis can occur because of viruses, bacteria, injury, medicinal effects etc. It’s an inflammation of membranes that extend over the spinal cord as well as the brain. The common awareness regarding meningitis is very important so that common people can realise the problem& go for some professional consultations.

A few indicators of meningitis:

•    You can experience high fever.

•    You can suffer from painful as well as stiff neck.

•    Intense headache which will staying for a long period of time is one of the common symptoms.

•    You can also experience reduced perception.

•    Weakness is another common sign.

•    Languidness as well as muscle pain can occur.

•    Occurrence of rashes & eye pain (which will make your eyes uncomfortable under the bright eyes) is a common sign.

Few indicators for young children as well as infants:

•    Infants will tend to cry unnecessarily (mostly very loud).

•    They will have some problems while walking.

•    They will display a torpid attitude.

•    Peevishness can also be noticed.

•    They will experience high fever at the same time cold feet’s & hands.

•    Their appearance turns pale.

•    They will feel nausea.

•    They will have a poor appetite etc.

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