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5 Truths About Eating Disorders

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According to a research by Oxford University, eating disorders are generally misunderstood by all, whether they are health professionals or not. Basing upon the general concept of eating disorders, the common symptoms are weight gain and fatty body. It is however noteworthy that eating disorder does not mean weight gain alone, but it is also eating too low and losing weight unhealthily.

by weasello

by weasello

To understand eating disorders, following are 5 facts:

1. Found In All People Of All Ages

Eating disorders are not limited to women or children alone, but they are wide spread to all ages and to both genders. Males are generally not considered being involved in eating disorders as mentioned by Canadian Medical Association Journal, which is a misconception. Women in middle ages are also very much inclined and involved in eating disorders, as per Jodi Rubin, adjunct lecturer at the NYU Silver School of Social Work and a successful therapist. According to her, these issues are an outcome of certain issues in life and psychological disorders. Primarily, it was thought to be affecting females only; statistics show that 5-10 million women were affected in U.K in 1999.

2. Physical Appearance

It is difficult to tell just by looking at a person. Certain disorders like bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa cause weight loss. They are highlighted by sudden and excessive weight loss; it is one of the traits of binge eaters that they gain and lose weight like balloons.

3. Emotional Imbalance

People often eat when they are tense, and as they are not actively aware of their actions, they eat without realization. While being tense, people mostly feed on carbs and fats in shape of junk food and fried stuff, and fries top the list. Besides adopting a disturbed eating pattern, people neglect activities in order to shut themselves from others, which again help accumulating excessive body fats.

4. Trying To Lose Weight Unhealthily

Excessive weight loss suddenly is definitely one sign. It is also evident from thinning of hair, dark eye circles, and dry skin. Crash diet is an unhealthy way of losing weight, which backfires and affects the liver, eventually causing swelling of cheeks. Through researches, it has been found that people start intake of medicines without any medical prescription and medical consultation. The most common medicines used in this regard are laxatives and Thyroxin. Around $40 billion are consumed each year on dieting and diet-related products in US alone.

5. Eating Disorder Can Be A Symptom

It is not necessary that eating disorder is only due to emotional disturbance or just for the sake of losing weight. One must not ignore the change in eating habits, as dropped appetite or feeling extremely hungry, as it can be a symptom of some disease developing undercover. Closely examine the possible causes of the change, as it can be a sign of diabetes.

Exact Reason

The exact reason of eating disorders is not yet been determined, whether it is cultural reason, ethnic, or disease. However, it is said that people lacking self-motivation suffer from this dilemma. Some studies say that women with ADHD are more inclined to have eating disorder at any point of life. Likewise, some studies establish that women with PTSD experience this disorder (relating to anorexia nervosa).

Similarly, the trend to look skinny and sleek and the effort to attain an ideal figure has also contributed to eating disorder. Non-compromising behaviors are also responsible for compulsive bingeing. Eating disorders, if not addressed, can take the shape of Pica, which is a craving to eat non-eatables such as dust, dirt, chalk, wall cement, and clay e.t.c., and is regarded as highly threatening for health and life.

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