Home » 15 Simple Ideas to Cut Down Weight Without Dieting

15 Simple Ideas to Cut Down Weight Without Dieting

by Ana

Weight loss is certainly one of the most talked about topic especially when you are browsing through various health based sites. Obesity has certainly become the most dangerous health problem that people are facing at the moment and therefore it is a better idea that one start losing weight before it is too late. While majority of the obese people want to cut down their weight they are completely against dieting which makes them feel weaker and ruins their mood.

by : WordRidden

by : WordRidden

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Here we provide you with top 15 ways to lose weight without dieting so that you can look fitter and better without compromising your regular diet.

  1. Eat Slowly

    Millions of people around the world never really get time to chew their food well and that can lead to bigger health problems as the food never really gets digested in the right way. Hence, a better way to cut down your weight and improve your metabolism is to time your meals and make sure that you have ample of time to chew your food properly before you gulp it down.

    by : Mait Jüriado

    by : Mait Jüriado

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  2. Drink Water

    Believe it or not, but nothing works like water when you want to slim down your weight. Water is the best option that you have if you want to cut down your weight without spending hundreds on the best gym and health club in the town. When you drink more water you sweat more and burn out more calories and also get rid of the waste elements out of your body that can help you to look slimmer and fitter.

    by : R. Motti

    by : R. Motti

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  3. Sleep Well

    Irregular sleep patterns can also lead to obesity and therefore it is important that you sleep on time and sleep well. As per the research done University of Michigan a person that sleeps an extra hour loses around 14 pounds per year. There are many other researches that indicate that sleeping well can actually consume more calories and that way one can burn more fat without doing anything.

    by : spaceodissey

    by : spaceodissey

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  4. Eat Mix Vegetables

    If you are planning a simple dinner for the night time always go for mix vegetables that can actually boost the metabolism activity in your belly and make sure that you burn out more calories and that way you can quickly burn more calories when you are idle and sleeping at night time. Do not mix these vegetables in high fat oil that will ruin the effect.

    by : nonelvis

    by : nonelvis

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  5. Enjoy Soups

    If you feel hungry in between the meals you can go for soups that can allow you to feel heavy and at the same time allow you from getting fat. On the other hand, you can also enjoy soups before meals so that you feel bit heavy and do not consume too much of meal. This way you can cut down your intake of meals and get slimmer.



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  6. Cut Cola Drinks

    Too much of cola drinks that can also lead to obesity and therefore if you don’t want to diet it is recommended that you cut down on the sugary drinks that can also impact your health. You can always go for fresh juices and milkshakes that can offer you more healthy options and provide better taste as well.

    Glass cola

    Glass cola

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  7. Limit Alcohol Intake

    If you are obese alcohol is not good for you and therefore it is always recommended that you cut down your intake of alcohol. It has been researched that alcohol adds more calories and plus you are bound to consume more chips and nuts with alcohol that can trigger the calorie level in your body leading to obesity.

    by : Dalboz17

    by : Dalboz17

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  8. Eat at Home

    If you are trying to cut down your weight in a smart way it is recommended that you enjoy your meals at home which will allow you to focus on what you can eat and what you should avoid. On the other hand, the option to go for low oil and fat free food is right under your control. You can make healthy snacks and meals to ensure that you are keeping your weight under scanner.

    by : spo0nman

    by : spo0nman

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  9. Use Smaller Plates

    A better way to trick your mind that you are enjoying the same hearty meal is by shrinking your plates. You can use a smaller plate for the lunch and dinner so that you can eat in small quantities and trick your mind that you are still enjoying the same quantity of food.

    by : alexanderromero

    by : alexanderromero

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  10. Share Meals

    A good way to cut down your intake of food is to share it with others. Hence, when you feel you need to go ahead with some junk food, you can always take someone with you and share it so that you never eat the whole portion. This way you can enjoy your meal but in smaller portions.

    by : coldpants

    by : coldpants

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  11. Walk More

    Walking is the best cardiovascular exercise that you can offer to your body and that way you can burn out more calories to ensure better fitness. If you are too busy you can always walk back to your home from office or find some time to enjoy your walk early morning.

    by : Clarkston SCAMP

    by : Clarkston SCAMP

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  12. Chew Gum

    You can also enjoy chewing gums in between meals when you feel you need to have something to eat. There are many people that always keep chewing gums in their pocket so that they can chew it while they are hungry in between meals. You can use the same technique while watching movies and television rather than eating chips and nuts.

    Chewing gum stick

    Chewing gum stick

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  13. Avoid Meat

    It is recommended that you switch to vegetarian food rather than going for meat and chicken all the time. It could be that you are interested in non-vegetarian food but you can still cut down the amount of meat you eat to get slimmer.

    Food Meat

    Food Meat

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  14. Eat Whole Grains

    Whole grains such as brown rice, oats, barley and whole wheat can offer you better options when it comes to meals and they are high in fiber which means that they can improve the metabolism and cut down the calories that can help in reducing your weight.

    Lens culirnaris

    Lens culirnaris

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  15. Break Your Meals

    If you are trying to slash down your weight you can eat in smaller portions after every few hours rather than having two grand meals for the day. This will help you to stay healthy and also allow you to digest the food well so that you can your enjoy your next meal in few hours without compromising your health.

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