Home » Travel – But Better be Aware of Risk of Malaria

Travel – But Better be Aware of Risk of Malaria

by Ana

You may or may not be obsessed with the idea of outing and travelling. But once in a while, it is all but common to look for a break from the daily deals of deadline bound schedule. In spite, of not being obsessive about travelling, you will rarely come across one who doesn’t appreciate the idea. That’s because travelling and backpacking to remote destination is sure to cater to your zeal for fun and adventure. Then, there is yet another category, with a flair for adventuring, and exploring the frills and fancies of distant locations. Irrespective of the category you belong to, there are reasons that you are safely prepared for the adversities at hand. At the end of it all, you would like being safer than sorry.

by :  Gates Foundation

by : Gates Foundation

Source by : flickr

One of the leading Causes of Worry – Malarial Hazards

You may be well aware of the biological causes of malaria. But, only this isn’t sufficient. Before going out on an adventure, you ought to go about the deal of risk assessment. In other words, how susceptible the place is to malarial hazards. Before embarking upon a long distant stint of travelling, you will surely thrash out a checklist of priorities.

Assessing the probable hazard of malaria should be on your topmost slot of priority. You are supposed to be particularly cautious, if you are travelling with young kiddos and women in their pregnancy. Malarial germ infused by female anopheles mosquitoes also proves to be deadly for asplenic patients and those affected by AIDS.

Factors to Bear in Mind

Certain parts of the world including Asia, Africa and Saudi Arabian countries are more conducive to the mentioned hazard. In fact, if calculated on a worldwide basis, African countries contribute significantly to the death toll caused by malaria. African countries are responsible for causing more than ninety to ninety five percent of death.

Secondly, if you are travelling well beyond the realm of urban precincts, you have reasons to be extra protective about adopting anti-malarial measures. Do remember that parks, sanctuaries, downtown offices and other sites located in the far-flung nooks are most vulnerable to malarial attacks.

Thirdly there are research based evidences which prove that probable danger of being stricken by malaria is dependent on the exact proportion of bites. It is equally important to remember that the phase ranging from dusk to dawn is most conducive to bites. So, risk alleviating measures ought to be adopted accordingly.

As the saying goes, prevention is always better than cure. It is preferable that you safeguard yourself from malarial germs rather than dwell upon the possible means of cure. That’s because malarial drugs may not be always effective, and case specific tendencies of resistance cannot be ruled out. So, it is always better to be reasonably equipped with measures of prevention rather than running to a medical facilitator after being down with malaria.

Brief insight into the Tips on Prevention

  • Gather information about your intended place/places of visit. As insisted time and again, assessing and evaluating the probability of risk is as important as adopting and implementing the factors of management.
  • Before travelling to a remote location, or one of the far-flung destinations; you can seek medical advice from your family physician/medical facilitator. Online health facilitators can also enlighten you on the risk proneness of a particular destination.  Official websites of the place you intend to travel will definitely not misguide you with fallacious facts and figures.
  • You are already aware of the time period which aids and abets bite. So, during that time period following dusk, you should keep exposed parts of limbs well covered.
  • Use and application of mosquito repellant is another measure to bank on. There are scientific evidences which support the affectivity of repellant based on DEET. Such repellants are safe to use. Adults as well as children can use and apply these without having to about the so called after effects. Unless you develop signs and symptoms of allergy, you can make use of creams and preparations based on DEET. At least, twenty percent of the preparation needs to be applied for the measure to be result yielding.
  • Having your socks, stockings and clothing with permethrine is another option to bank on.
  • If needs be, you can even purchase clothing which has been previously treated with insecticides.
  • While choosing your modes of accommodation, do make it a point to book rooms which are screened, with the facility for air-conditioning.
  • If such facilities are not available, you can have your hotel room disinfected with the use of vaporizable repellant.
  • Use of mosquito nets and specially those treated with insecticide is another devise to settle upon.
  • Before travelling to risk prone areas, it is necessary that you equip yourself with anti-malarial medications and other appropriate drugs.

Images : Source by flickr

With a bit of focus, and that of caution, you can prevent yourself from the likely threats of malaria. You just need to work out a planned regimen, and equip yourself with preventive means and measures.

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1 comment

Yellow Fever Vaccination July 13, 2015 - 8:06 am

[…] visiting large areas of swamp or wetlands. Yellow fever is incredibly potent in these areas, as is malaria, which is why the vaccine is so important. The borders of Rwanda and Burundi are places to look out […]

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