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Nocturia – Frequency Causes and Treatment

by Ana

What is Nocturia?

It is a discomfoting situation that can cause normal passing of Urine during night time.

Definition of Nocturia

It is a disorder that leads to Urination during night time and the patient wake up from the sleep. This disease becomes common with the increase in age.

This disease is found, both in men and women.

The name of this disease is “Nocturnal Polyuria”, it is known as excessive production of Urine at night. This situation is known as Nycturia.


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Polyuria and Nocturia

Polyuria is a Renal condition that is classified by the production of Yellow, dilute Urine. This disorder is sometimes linked with the Diabetes. This condition causes one urinate at all the times of day and the excessive Urination occurs at night time only.

Frequency of Nocturia

This disorder occurs in the people after the age of 60 years. The frequency of Urination during this condition is about more than 7 times in hours, when the patients are awake. People suffering from this disease visit bathroom for more than 2 to 3 times at night.

Nocturia and Women

This condition occurs in women due to menopause, giving birth to child or Pelvic Prolapse. This condition is common in older women due to a disorder known as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. It is classified by the enlargement of Prostate Gland.

The enlargement of Prostate Gland in size pushes the Tubular Structure called as Urethra and it prevents the complete evacuation of materials in the Bladder. This can cause various visits to the bathroom.

Nocturia and Men

Older men are mostly the patients of this disease. Besides Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, this disease can be caused due to high intake of liquid including Alcohol and Caffeine before going to sleep. Men and women both can suffer from this disease due to the mentioned reasons.

Presence of Nocturia in Children

Many children suffer from this disease until; they are 10 years of age. Doctors mostly treat this disease with either Vasopressin Inhalers or Nasal Drops.

Symptoms of Nocturia

Following can be the symptoms of Nocturia

  • Painful Urination
  • Smelly Urine
  • Excessive Urination
  • Frequent Urination
  • Burning with Urination
  • Urgent need to Urinate
  •  Other symptoms of disease may include
  • Pain in Chest
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Feeling of thirst
  • Fever
  • Sweating
  • Loss of control on Bowel
  • Missed Menstrual periods
  • Night sweating
  • Disturbance while sleeping
  • Weight loss

Causes of Nocturia

Following are the causes of Nocturia

  1. Bed Wetting Problems

    Children and other people, who already suffer from bed-wetting, have the chances to suffer from this disease. The fear of bed-wetting can make one so nervous that they urinate on the bed.

  2. Drinking a lot of Liquids

    Drinking excess amount of liquids before sleeping can cause frequent urination as the Bladder gets filled with the Water. This issue can be resolved by restricting the intake of liquids before going to sleep.Avoid taking Caffeine or Alcohol, it also prevents this problem.

  3. Sleep Apnea

    It is a severe cause of this disorder. This condition occurs the breath of a person stops for few seconds for so many times during night.

    It can lead to disturbed sleep and the urine of a person is released.

  4. Pregnancy

    Frequent Urination is common in pregnancy. In these cases, the disorder is finished as soon as the baby is delivered. Gestational Diabetes can also cause this problem in some people.

  5. Side Effect of Medicines

    This disorder can also occur from the side effects of different medicines.

    Diuretics, increases the production of Urine in the body. Some medicines that are used to treat the Bipolar
    Disorders or Cardiac diseases can cause this condition. High intake of Vitamin D can also cause this disorder.

  6. Disorders

    This disease can also arise due to the diseases like Enlargement of Prostate Glands, Infection in Kidney, Infection in Bladder and Cardiac diseases like Heart Failure, Prostate Cancer and Kidney Failure.People suffering from Diabetes mostly have the problem of Nocturia. Enlargement of Prostate Gland can cause serious health problems.

Inflammation of lower body can also result in this problem.

Diagnosis of Nocturia

The doctor first of all asks the patients about the history of this disease and their family history. They may ask the questions like

  • The amount of Urine a patient passes per day?
  • How many times they urinate?
  • Any medications they use?
  • Any disease, if they have?

Patients suffering from this disease should keep a record of the amount of liquid intake and urinate.

It will help the doctor to find the causes and the treatment for this disorder.

A doctor does an analysis of Urine to determine the symptoms of infection in Urine. It can help in finding the Urinary

Tract Infection, which can be a cause of this disease.

Treatment of Nocturia

This disease can be cured with some medicines and changes in the lifestyle.

Some medicines are prescribed by the doctor to reduce the excessive Urination. They lower the amount of Urine production. They affect the working of Kidney, which ultimately produces low amount of Urine.

Anticholinergic medicines are used to lower the symptoms of Overactive Bladder.

Changes in the Lifestyle

Following changes should be made to treat this disorder

  1. Reduce drinking excessive, liquids including Water, Caffeinated Juices, Coffee, Alcoholic juices etc especially before going to sleep.
  2. Restrict the intake of Diuretics in the mid-afternoon.

People suffering from this disorder are recommended to take afternoon naps. They are advised to elevate their legs while sleeping and wear stockings; it will help to accumulate the fluids in the Bladder.

Herbal Remedies for Nocturia

People suffering from this disease are advised to take Natural cure of Herbs including

  • Grass Pollen
  • Gingko
  • Biloba
  • Pygeum
  • Saw Palmetto
  • Stinging Nettle etc.

If you or anyone around you is suffering from this disease, urgently consult a doctor. Proper diagnosis and in time treatment can save you from the complications of this disease in the future.

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