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Gigantism – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

by Ana

Gigantism is a rare disease. It is a topic that requires a lot of research and study.

The people who suffer from this disease are seen rarely but very clearly because they are normally tall and broad in structure, as these people are found rare so they mostly make records like Guineas records, National records etc.


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The life of such people is very difficult, they have to face many complications during their life because it becomes difficult for them to walk, travel, buy clothes etc.

Their shoes and clothes are made on order, their appetite increases which ultimately make their life very expensive.

Definition of Gigantism

Gigantism is an abnormal health condition that gives rise to the excessive growth of an individual due to the presence of too much growth hormone in the body. This rare disorder is known as Gigantism. Only 100 cases of this disease are discovered up till now.

Causes of Gigantism

This disease is caused due to the presence of growth hormones in abnormal amount. Growth hormones are released in abnormal ratio due to the health complications like

  • Benign (Pituitary Gland Tumor)
  • McCune- Albright Syndrome
  • Carney Complex
  • Neurofibromatosis
  • Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1.

Pituitary Tumor is the main causes of Gigantism in children.

McCune- Albright Syndrome

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Carney Complex

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Pituitary Gland Tumor

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Symptoms of Gigantism

The abnormal height is the most common sign of Gigantism disorder. This disease becomes obvious in a child from very early age. The child grows very taller than his or her age mates and this growth is not only depicted by Stature but also the organs and muscles.  At full growth, these individuals get over 7 feet.

Some important symptoms of Gigantism include as follows

  • Retarded Puberty
  • Headache
  • Difficulty in side vision
  • Blur vision
  • Fatigue
  • Thick facial characteristics
  • Large jaws
  • Thickness of Toes
  • Thickness of Fingers
  • Excessive sweating
  • Big Hands
  • Bid Feet

In women, this disease can also cause irregular Menstrual Periods and strange release of Breast Milk.

Diagnosis of Gigantism

Gigantism is diagnosed by the observation of physical uniqueness of an individual.

Further tests include MRI or CT scan of Head. Imaging helps to show the Pituitary Tumors.

This condition also becomes visible if an Oral Glucose tests fails to show Serum Growth Hormone.

Tests are conducted to check whether the person has increased Insulin Growth Factor or Prolactin Levels.

Treatment of Gigantism

Treatment for Gigantism involves use of Medicines, Surgery and Radiation Therapy.

  1. MedicationsDopamine drugs like Cabergoline and Mesylate are commonly used to lower the release of growth Hormones.

    These are less effective than medicines like Pegvisomant or Somatostatin Analogs.
    Pegvisomant obstructs the side effects of growth Hormone release.
  2. SurgerySurgery for treatment of Gigantism is done in the condition where tests show the presence of Pituitary Tumor. The aim of operation is to remove the Tumor and decrease the release of Growth Hormones.
  3. Radiation TherapyRadiation Therapy thrives well in making growth hormone levels normal. This method gives rise to many side effects like Obesity, Emotional Alterations and learning disabilities in children.It takes from 5 to 10 years for effects to show up. It also results in decreased levels of other Pituitary Hormones. This is the reason that it is kept as a last option, if all the other ways of treatment fail.

People with Gigantism Disease

There are very few people, who developed this condition. The most famous person with this disorder was Robert Wadlow. He was born in Alton; he is also referred as “The Alton Giant”. He died of an infected Scald. He died when he was 22 years old.

At the time of his death Alton was 8 Feet and 11 Inches. He was 6 Feet tall when he was only 8 years of age.  He is known as the tallest man to have ever lived on Earth.

Sandy Allen, the tallest woman of the world. He was 7 Feet and 7 Inches at the age of maturity.

This extraordinary Height was gained due to the Pea-sized Tumor in her Pituitary Gland. This condition can give rise to many other uncomfortable symptoms.

Allen was restricted to a Wheelchair for most of her life and suffered from Respiratory difficulties, Frequent Infections, Kidney Failure and Diabetes. She died at the age of 53 years in the year 2008.

More famous Gigantism sufferers are Andre Roussimoff. He was known as the “Andre the Giant”. He was a professional Wrestler and a Champion of WWF Wrestling.

Robert Wadlow

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Sandy Allen

Photo by : about.com

Andre the Giant

Photo by : wikimedia

Complications of Gigantism

Delayed Puberty is the common complication of this disease.

Radiation Therapy and Surgery can reduce the level of Pituitary Glands in the human body.

The Low Pituitary Level can give rise to other complications like

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hypogonadism
  • Adrenal Insufficiency

In rare cases, the effects of Gigantism may include the development of Diabetes Insipidus.  According to an Acromegalic Gigantism Specialist known as John Wass, the excessive growth can lead to early death.

High Blood Pressure in the Legs can cause Ulcers. An infection in an Ulcer can cause Death of the patients.

Prognosis of Gigantism

This disorder has a good Prognosis. A Surgical Operation is mostly successful in reducing Pituitary Tumor and decreasing production of excessive amounts of Growth Hormone.
Gigantism and Acromegaly

Gigantism is confused with the Acromegaly. There are totally different conditions though they are different and may not be noticed by the common person.

Medical researchers define Gigantism as a disorder that is caused due to the abnormal release of Pituitary Hormones before normal Bone growth.

Acromegaly is the name of the condition in which Pituitary release happens after termination of normal Bone growth.

Acromegalic Gigantism

Acromegalic Gigantism is the disorder that is caused from the development of Tumor in the Pituitary Gland. These Tumor Glands grows strangely large in size and it ultimately destroys the Pituitary Cells that also controls the Sex Hormone release.

Due to this reason, the Bones do not stop growing.

If your child is exhibiting excessive growth for his/ her age, it is the perfect time to discuss it with the doctor.

The in time diagnosis and treatment can cure this condition early. The Gigantism of your child is due to the abnormally high linear growth of Insulin-like growth factor-I.

The Epiphyseal growth plates are also open at the time of childhood which contributes to the Gigantism.

Acromegaly is the same disorder of Insulin Growth Factor; it occurs after the growth plate Cartilage fuses in to Gigantism.

Gigantism also refers to the height of a person more than 2 standard deviations above the mean for an individual’s Sex, Age etc.

These disorders are placed in the spectrum of Insulin Growth Factor- Hypersection. At the developmental stage when the excess originates, it determines the principal faults.

The onset of Insulin Growth Factor-Hypersection in childhood and late adolescence can result in the tall built and Gigantism.

Recent scientific breakthroughs in the Molecular, Genetic and Hormonal basis of excessive Growth Hormone has given important information in to the Pathogenesis, Prognosis and treatment of this rare disease. This can help to reduce the future complications and grow as healthy as any normal Human being.

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