Home » Essential Vitamins And Minerals For Our Daily Lives

Essential Vitamins And Minerals For Our Daily Lives

by Souti

Vitamins are organic compound, needed by an organism for sustaining a healthy life. When an organic chemical compound is not synthesized in enough quantities by an organism & it is compelled to acquire from food sources then it’s called a vitamin. As of now there are 13 vitamins, which have been recognized worldwide.

On the other hand minerals are innately appearing compositions which have been discovered to be stable as well as solid in room temperature. They are represented by a chemical formula (abiogenic) and have a predefined atomic structure.


Over 4660 minerals have been recognized by the IMA (International Mineralogical Association). While vitamins are known as organic compounds (coming from animals as well as plants), minerals are considered as inorganic elements, which appear from water and even from soil. It’s eaten by various animals & also engrossed by plants.

Balance diet

There are two types of vitamins, water soluble,( which are vitamin C, B6, B12, Niacin, folate & riboflavin) & fat soluble (vitamin A, K , E & D)

Some facts about water soluble vitamins are

Vitamin C

This antioxidant is also known as ascorbic acid. By enhancing the iron absorption it helps to maintain healthy tissue. It is also known for its ability to maintain healthy teeth & heal wounds fast.

Some sources are

  •  Spinach
  •  Cabbage
  •  Tomatoes
  •  Broccoli
  • Citrus fruits
  •  Cauliflower
  • Strawberries etc.

Niacin/vitamin B3

It helps to maintain brain as well as nerve activities. It’s also known for its ability to reduce the cholesterol level.


  • Poultry
  • Avocado
  • Fish
  • Milk products
  • Nuts etc.

Thiamine/Vitamin B1

It satisfies the body’s need for energy by converting food into it. For proper heart function as well as for nourishing nerve cells it plays an important role.

Some sources are

  •  Whole grain
  •  Nets as well as seeds
  •  Dried milk
  •  Lean meat
  •  Eggs
  •  Dried beans etc.

Riboflavin/Vitamin B2

It helps to keep your nerve functions as well as skin & eyes healthy. It’s responsible for the manufacture of red blood cells.

Sources are

  •  Fish
  •  Enriched pasta
  • Darn green veggies
  •  Meats
  •  Milk products etc.

Folic acid/Folate

It’s very important for the initial 3 months of your pregnancy for averting birth defects. It helps to avert various heart ailments as well as constitutes blood cell.


  •  Fortified cereals
  • Wheat germ
  •  Broccoli & asparagus
  •  Lentils
  • Beets
  • Peanut butter etc.

Vitamin B12

It provides help for making amino acid, constituting red blood cells, transfers carbohydrate into energy which your body requires etc.


  • Shellfish
  •  Eggs
  •  Poultry
  •  Milk along with milk products
  •  Liver & kidney etc.

Vitamin B6/pyridoxine

It helps your body in formation of red blood cell as well as helps in manufacturing essential proteins.


  •  Whole wheat
  •  Bananas
  •  Nuts
  • Potatoes
  •  Green beans
  •  Fish etc.

Some facts about fat soluble vitamin are

Vitamin A

It helps to keep healthy vision, mucous membranes as well as your skin. This antioxidant is one of the major ingredients for development as well as for growth.


  •  Milk products as well as fortified milk
  •  Egg yolk
  •  Dark colored leafy green veggies
  •  Fruits (mainly dark in color)
  •  Liver
  •  Fish etc.

Vitamin D

It is also quite popularly known as sunshine vitamin. It’s an important vitamin for keeping your bone & teeth healthy & strong. It provides help to our body for absorbing calcium.

  • Fortified milk
  •  Fish liver oil
  •  Fatty fish like herring or salmon etc.

Vitamin E

This antioxidant is also popularly known as tocopherol. In the formation of red blood cells as well nerve tissues, muscles it plays an important role.


  •  Nuts
  •  Green vegetables (dark)
  •  Wheat germ
  • Mango & papaya
  •  Margarine, which has prepared from sunflower oil, corn & also from sunflower.

Vitamin K

Without vitamin K blood wouldn’t be able to clot or stick together.

Sources are

  •  Egg yolks
  • Green vegies (must be dark)
  •  Cereals
  •  Cabbage
  • Beef, liver, fish etc.

Now it’s time for minerals. Following is a list of a few important minerals for our body:


It usually works together with insulin for transforming fat as well as carbohydrates into energy.

Sources are

  •  Dried beans
  • Whole grain etc


It is necessary for maintain strong teeth as well as bones & bone structure.


  •  Salmon
  •  Milk products
  •  Leafy deep colored vegetables etc.


It could prevent premenstrual syndrome. It mainly helps you to maintain healthy muscle activities as well as nerve functions.

Sources are

  •  Meat
  • Poultry
  • Whole grain
  •  Dried peas & beans
  •  Veggies (green leafy) etc.


It’s able to carry oxygen to muscles as well as into the bloodstream too. It’s also capable of producing energy.


  • Enriched grain products
  • Poultry
  •  Meat
  •  Dried fruits
  •  Fish etc.


It helps to produce energy as well as plays a quite important role in preparing collagen & hemoglobin. It’s also able to maintain a proper heart function & soak up iron from your digestive tract.

Some sources are

  •  Oysters
  • Nuts
  • Liver
  •  Whole grain etc


It provides help in formatting genetic material. It helps your body to store energy as well as is able to keep your teeth & bone strong enough.

Sources are

  •  Grain products
  •  Poultry
  •  Dairy products
  •  Fish etc.


For maintaining normal level of blood pressure, sodium plays a very important role. In keeping the proper balance of our body fluid & sending nerve signals it also plays a very essential part.


  •  Salt
  •  Vegetables
  • A few bottled water etc.


This antioxidant plays a very essential role in keeping the heart muscles strong & healthy.

Sources are

  • Milk
  •  Meat
  • Whole grain
  • Cereals & breads etc.


It helps in producing hormone testosterone & also in producing sperm. In cell production & normal development in children, it also plays an important role.


  •  Legumes
  •  Poultry
  • Whole grain cereals
  •  Oysters
  • Nuts etc.


For maintaining the balance of body fluid in your body potassium plays a very important role. For manufacturing energy & sending nerve signal it also plays an important role.


  •  Seeds
  •  Grains
  •  Fruits
  • Nuts
  •  Veggies etc.

1 comment

Pregnancy Diet Plans – What and Why? October 3, 2014 - 10:52 am

[…] Pregnant woman needs 27 milligrams (mg) of iron per day. It doesn’t mean to go for the recommended amount of iron every day. Instead, concentrate on […]

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