What is Nocturia? It is a discomfoting situation that can cause normal passing of Urine during night time. Definition of Nocturia It is a disorder that leads to Urination during…
Breast Cancer Women are always told to be careful about Breast lumps, which is an important sign of Breast Cancer. Andrew Putnam, Director of Palliative Care Program at Lombardi Comprehensive…
Erysipelas is a Skin infection caused by Bacteria. It can extend to the Cutaneous Lymphatics. It was first discovered in middle Ages, it was known as St. Anthony’s fire, named…
Vitamin D The Ultraviolet rays of Sun are the major cause of Skin Cancer and an excellent source of Vitamin D. We need to balance the risk of Skin Cancer…
Some researchers believe that Antibiotics can affect the good Bacteria of body and it can lead to Obesity, Cancer and Asthma. They not only affect the Bacteria and sometimes wipe…
Rhinorrhea Definition The term Rhinorrhea is derived from combination of Greek words. “rhinos” and “rrhea”, rhinos refers to Nose and rrhea refers to implying flow or discharge. The rhinorrhea is…
Diseases and ConditionsHIV and AidsPregnancy
Impact of HIV/AIDS on Pregnant Women and their Babies
by Anaby AnaWhat is HIV/AIDS? HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that can develop AIDS. AIDS stands for (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). An individual can be “HIV Positive” but don’t have AIDS.…
Is it normal to have Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy? Abdominal pain and other Abdominal discomforts are common during pregnancy. It is usually harmless but sometimes it can be a sign…
If you partner has swollen Testicles that looks like a water balloon then your partner must be suffering from Hydrocele. He must be at the initial stage of Hydrocele. Hydrocele…
Gigantism is a rare disease. It is a topic that requires a lot of research and study. The people who suffer from this disease are seen rarely but very clearly…
Diseases and Conditions
What is Fatty Liver Disease? – Causes of Fatty Liver Disease – Types of Fatty Liver Disease
by Anaby AnaWhat is Fatty Liver Disease? The Fats that are prominent on the Belly or Thighs are hard to ignore. There are many Fats in the Liver that are normal. If…
Brain Cancer A research says that 2 Gene Mutations in the region of Chromosome 1 and 19 can cause Cancer in the body. Researchers further say that Genetic Mutations are…
The history of decompression Sickness is very long. It was experienced in 1670. Robert Boyle was the first person who suffered from this disease. In 1769, Giovanni Morgagni described a…
You may be suffering from a condition that is known as Onycholysis. It is a condition in which Nails Come out from the Nail Bed. Here is the complete information…
If you have swollen painful bump on your Eyelid or Eyelashes, you may be suffering from Styes. What is Styes? A Stye is a soft Red Bump that develops on…